

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Tour de Troops!

Welcome Hellhounds and Blog Tour de Troops participants! If you’re following along, you’ve just come from visiting Elena Gray and when you leave, make sure you continue on to see Rachelle Reese & John E. Miller!

This event is HUGE! You can get up to 50 books on this Blog Tour, but for every comment you leave, one of our troops gets an e-copy, also! So, spread the word and invite your friends to join the tour…it’s a very small painless way to say THANK YOU to our troops!

Veterans affect almost all of our lives, if it’s not a family member, it’s someone you know. All of them deserve our gratitude! They give up a lot to keep our country and families safe!

I have two veterans in my family, my grandfather and father.

My grandfather, Bernard Miller, was a marine in WWII stationed in New Zealand and at Guadal Canal. He made a bracelet out of the remains of a Japanese fighter jet—or so he says! He’s a HUGE storyteller, so anything he says could be true or blown into a story out of this world. He’s unique to say the least, fun to be with and such a jokester. And you gotta watch him because he’ll shamelessly cheat at billiards!! Regardless of what the bracelet is made out of, it’s super cool and an amazing piece of history to me. It’s one of my most cherished family heirlooms. Here are the pictures of it!

My father served in the army in the Vietnam War. He’s very embittered by his country’s protests of that war and don’t even get him started on the actress, Jane Fonda. He’s got very strong opinions about what should have happened to her. He thinks the Vietnam Memorial Wall is a cop-out and only erected as an afterthought. My father reminds me that our troops need our support regardless if we agree with the war or not.  Every military man and woman deserves the support of their country! But the way my grandfather and father see their tours is startling different. My grandfather is proud of his service, while my father is sour.

After returning from Vietnam, my father suffered from post traumatic stress disorder. He was living with my mother in California after his tour. They were outside and a plane flew by overhead. My father started screaming, “Incoming! Incoming!” and dove underneath the vehicle. It freaked my mother out, but it also details the horrors these men experience in war. The little things we think nothing about panicked him and had him taking cover.

Stop and think about what our soldiers see every day. They do it for us and to keep our country safe! When they return to the safety of America, how do they cope with the mundane realities of life? I would think it’d all seem so very trivial. To EVERY soldier and their families...a huge THANK YOU from me! They all make sacrifices for us and they’re all heroes in my eyes!!!

As part of my blog, I’m giving away an e-copy of Madison’s Life Lessons, my prequel to the Road to Hell series. Leave me a comment with your email address, and I’ll forward you the coupon code for you to get your copy of the e-book from Smashwords. For an excerpt and blurb of Madison’s Life Lessons, click HERE.

Please feel free to visit Forbidden Reviews and Intoxicatedby Books (both clickable links) for reviews of Madison’s Life Lessons

Don’t forget there are 50 e-books up for grabs on this blog tour. Visit Indie Book Collective for a list of author blogs! If you’d like to make a donation to the troops, go to Paypal and use Please make sure you include a note stating that your contribution is for the troops!

But that’s not all! The Indie Book Collective is also giving a brand new KINDLE to a tour commenter, randomly drawn, and multiple KINDLES to several lucky troops! You’re thinking, why? Because books are the number one care package item requested by troops! If you want to give back to the troops with KINDLES, just click here for secure, donations via Paypal.

Have fun on the hop and happy reading!!


AO said...

hi Gracen! that must have been a difficult time for your Dad and Mom when he came home from his tour. i love what your grandfather did and those bracelets are priceless! my late paternal grandfather was a WWII veteran as well but he never wielded a gun. he served the American troops deployed in my country through his spatula. he was a cook and made sure the troops had their meals hot and ready. i am proud of what he did.
thank you for your contribution to the brave men and women out there and for participating in this tour. c",)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story.

Elena said...

Hi thank you for being part of this tour ^^
Your book Madison's Life Lessons looks great!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful you and the other Indie authors are doing.
Thank you to all of our service men, women, and families.

Andrea said...

Thank you for taking part in the Tour and thank you to all that have served our country.

andreagrendahl AT gmail DOT com

mnjcarter said...

Thank you for sharing that with us. I have a cousin who is currently stationed in Afganistan, and has been to Iraq twice. I can't begin to imagine everything they see and deal with. We've heard some stories from him, although I'm sure that is such a minute amount of what he sees and does.

Thank you for participating in this great blog hop!!

Shrouded Heart said...

Thank you for participating in such an amazing cause My Granddad was in the RAF and fought during WWII, as a big reader himself before he died I know he would have loved the idea of the Tour de Troops.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this book tour. More power. pringpringles(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story and for participating in the tour. Look forward to your book.

pefrw at yahoo dot com

georgewho said...

This is a wonderful tour! Thank you for participating and getting free e-books to our troops.

tweezle said...

Thank you for doing this and supporting our troops. This book looks like a great read!

Gracen Miller said...

Aobibliophile, those soldiers still had to eat so his job was just as important!

蓁子chingz, thanks for stopping by on the tour. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I look forward to hearing what you think.

Andrea, Pringpringles and all the anonymous comments, thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I would love to hear what you think after you read it.

Shrouded Heart, I like to think--and hope--that when a soldier reads my book, it puts a smile on their face. Hopefully, I can take them away from their struggles for a short time.

Rachel, thanks for joining the tour. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons!


Brianna said...

Thank you for participating in this wonderful event. Can't wait to read what you come up with next.

Laura said...

Thank you for participating in this wonderful tour.
I can't wait to read your book!
Thanks Again,
Laura G.

Gracen Miller said...

The e-book code has been sent to all through cardinole.

Georgewho, I'm excited to be a part of this fantastic tour!

Twezzle, I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I would love to hear what you think after you read it.

Brianna, thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons.

Cardinole, I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and would love to hear what you think after you read it.


Suzy Turner said...

I can't even begin to imagine what these awesome soldiers put themselves through to maintain our freedom. It is truly awe-inspiring. And then they come home and suffer from PTSD, it's awful, truly awful. These guys and gals are absolute heroes.

Gracen Miller said...

Suzy, I agree, I cannot imagine how difficult it is to fit back into normal society after being in war. But I'm so thankful for all our military personnel!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons. I just sent the smashwords code to you.

If there is anyone that did not receive their smashwords code in their email inbox, please let me know!!


Anonymous said...

My father is also a veteran of the Vietnam War. I can remember as a child how the PTSD still haunted him some 15 years later. He didn't dive under vehicles but he had the nightmares that caused him to thrash around on the couch when he napped. It was significantly worse if he decided that watching a movie with war references in it was a good idea. My father is 61 now and has been outwardly fine for many, many years....but I'm sure he's bottled so much up. He very rarely speaks about his military service but I'm proud of him none-the-less. All through Junior and Senior High I always wrote homework assignments, essays, and reports on the Vietnam War. I felt it was important to keep what happened on the front of minds....lest we forget those brave soldiers that lost their lives or those soldiers who brought home demons.

saphsbookblog at gmail dot com

Gracen Miller said...

Saph, you and I have a lot in common. My high school writings were riddled with the Vietnam War and interviewing my dad was the easiest way to get first hand experience. But like your dad, mine is also very close-mouthed about his time there. It's the bitterness that comes out of him.

Thanks for stopping by, Saph! I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'm about to email you the code for it now!


books4me said...

Thank you for supporting out troops!!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Anne said...

Thank you for participating and donating books.

Gracen Miller said...

Books4me and Anne, thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons. The free code is headed your way. =D


Tamsyn said...

Thank you for sharing your story. We should always remember those who have dedicated themselves to serve. And thanks for your generousity too.

tamsyn5 at yahoo dot com

Hellen said...

Thanks for being part of this tour and I hope your book makes somebody’s day better :)

That bracelet looks great!

hellenlovesbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome giveaway! Thanks for sharing your story with us and I can not wait to read your book!


Thanks again!

Gracen Miller said...

Tamsyn, Hellen and Shauna, your smashwords codes were just sent to you.

Thanks to each of you for participating in the blog hop. I hop you enjoy Madison's Life Lesson and I'd love to hear what you think when you're finished reading it.


Don said...

Thanks for your support of our troops. Many in my family have served and I know how important it is for them to get something from home.


Gracen Miller said...

Don, when a war goes on as long as our current, I think we begin to forget to support them. I'm glad to be a part of this fantastic tour supporting our troops! I'm off to send you your smashwords code. Hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons.


Tracy said...


I'm so sorry your father didn't have the support of his country when he came home and I have to say I agree with his opinion of Jane Fonda.

Please let him know I am very grateful for his service, as I am for all vets, but especially for our Vietnam vets who endured so much and came home to such a poor situation (to say the least).

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful event.


Anonymous said...

It's an amazing thing you authors are doing. Thanks for all the generosity.

scottpoe (at)

Gracen Miller said...

Thank you, Tracy! It saddens me to see the protests our soldier's are enduring now. Makes me think of the Vietnam war protests.

I just sent you your smashwords code and I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lesson. I'd love to hear what you think after you finish reading it.

rhonda1111 said...

Thank you Vets.& families of the past now and future. thank you for our freedoms.

Gracen Miller said...

Bookblogger, I'm excited to be a part of this blog hop. I'm about to email you your smashwords code. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'd love to hear what you think after you read it.


Gracen Miller said...

Thanks for dropping by, Rhonda! I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'd love to hear what you think after you finish reading it.


divavixenqueen said...

Such a wonderful cause. Great way to support the troops.

Gracen Miller said...

Thanks for dropping by, Divavixenqueen. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I look forward to hearing what you think after you finish reading it.


ArtemisG said...

Very beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your book, This tour is wonderful idea!

artgiote at gmail dot com

Gracen Miller said...

Diana, I think this tour is a wonderful idea too, but I can't claim the idea for it! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'd love to hear what you think after you finish reading it.


pamelsa said...

HI Grace. I was a teenager when the Vietnam war was ending and knew several vets coming home. They seemed tragic to me, wounded. I'm so thankful that our soldiers today are treated with the respect they deserve. Thank you for sharing your story and participating in this cause.

Gracen Miller said...

Pamelsa, some of the ones I know today still seem wounded to me. I don't want to know the things they've seen and endured that haunts their eyes.

If you want your smashwords code for Madison's Life Lessons, please come back and leave your email address!


Deborah Alvarado said...

Thanks for sharing your story, Gracen. You can send my copy to the troops as well.

BJ said...

Thank you so much for posting! The bracelet is incredible, no matter the story.

My father has a very tough time in Vietnam as well and reading your post, I could see some of my father in your father' experiences, most specifically the PTSD. I'm so sorry :(

I'm intrigued to read your book. You can find me at DinozzoGibbs @gmail. com

Lizzz said...

Thank you for sharing your story about your father. My brother suffers from PTSD after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I appreciate what you guys are doing.

Unknown said...

God Bless our troops. We are so lucky to have them.

Quinn Smythwood said...

Awesome blog tour for a great cause! Thanks.


Brian Jeffreys said...

Gracen, thank you for sharing your story. We don't truly appreciate the horrors of war and its toll on our heroes and their families.


Martha Schlegel said...

Thanks for participating and donating your book to some troops!!! Martha -

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Thanks for sharing - my Dad entered the army prepared to go to Vietnam but was thankfully sent to Germany for his tour. He has the same feelings as your Dad towards war protestors. My Grandfather was also in WWII and had wonderful stories to tell, I regret that I didn't hear more of them, it was my husband that got him telling the ones I did hear (he's the history buff). I currently have three BILs in service so I truly appreciate all our military does to help keep our country free.

Thanks for being a part of this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for supporting our troops through this blog tour.

Joni said...

Thank you for participating in this great giveaway for the troops. We must all do everything we can to support them when they are away and also when they return.

katsrus said...

Thanks for sharing your story with us. My father was in the Marines. He was lucky he never had to go to war. I am very thankful to the men and women whom serve.
Sue B

Karen said...

Thank you so much for participating in this lovely event. God bless our troops!


Brittany C. said...

Thank you for participating in this :)

brittanyrose40 AT yahoo DOT com

shayne said...

Thank you so much for participating in this, as an air force veteran I can really appreciate it.


Ryan said...

Proud 24yr service member and still going. A GRANDE "THANK YOU" to both your Grandfather and Father, they had to do it first in order for me to do it now.

Thank you for your support. This is a great effort by the indie group.

Na said...

Thank you for sharing you story and supporting the troops. They are going to feel so appreciated.


Anonymous said...

wow. what an amazing story. thank you so much for sharing.

shirleykcarter at yahoo dot com

roro said...

thanks for sharing your story


Tink said...

Thanks for supporting our troops!

Unknown said...

Thanks Gracen for sharing the military stories from your family. My maternal grandfather was also in WWII, as were 2 of his brothers, one of which didn't make it back home. Grandpa did not talk of his experiences in the war, he said it gave him nightmares. My father did not serve, but several of my uncles & cousins on both sides of the family have, although none were in Vietnam.

One of the teachers at our local high school was a Vietnam vet & although I never took a class from him, students who did, said that if a news helicopter flew over the school, he went into his office & didn't come out the rest of the day. I understand your fathers anger over the treatment the vets from Vietnam received. Regardless of your personal feelings about any war that our military is involved in, the men who are fighting for us deserve our support & thanks.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

heartNsole said...

Thanks for supporting our troops!

nook_heartnsole at yahoo dot com

The One and Only Doc said...

Just another author on the tour checking in. It's been an awesome experience, being a part of the tour. Here's to many more, similar tours with similar success!

~ Erin M. Klitzke

Janey said...

Thank you for personalizing the results of military service. And for taking part in this blog tour.

jandhj2 (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing your story and participating in this incredible blog tour.
can't wait to read your book!

Marta said...

Thank you for participating in such an amazing cause, you and all the other authors are doing a beautiful thing, thank you! :)


mpa931 (at) yahoo (dot) es

otterdaughter said...

I used to send books overseas via 'Books for Soldiers', and this is the best way I've seen yet to continue that effort!

Unknown said...

Love the bracelets. What an incredible family heirloom to have Gracen!

I feel for your father. I really do. My own father came home from vietnam a mental mess. At the young age of 33, he committed suicide b/c he could not deal with the after effects, I was 7. Hug your daddy for me please and your grandpa and listen as closely as you can. Video tape them if possible. Don't ever miss out one story for real. What i would give to hear one!

Thanks for the wonderful post and you are right...every postive thought and action we have should go straight to our military and their families!!



Betty Vickery said...

My grandfather served in WWII. My husband is currently serving our country in Afghanistan. Wars touch us all in some way or another.
Freedom isn't free.

My loving soldier Jon:

provert AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I'd like to get your book.

kolists a\t gmail dt com

Cheryl said...

I'd like to read your book; i like a supernatural twist.
cheryl @
thank you.

Sophia Rose said...

Thank you for participating in the blog tour and for your generous giving of a book to a soldier and to the commentators.

Your story of your parents and your grandfather reminds me of my own. My dad did not exhibit and signs of PTSD, but many on the base where he worked afterwards did. My grandfather was the one who had trouble and never spoke of his time overseas.

Sandi said...

What a great cause - thanks for supporting our troops!

I look forward to reading your book!


Tishia Mackey said...

Thanks for being a part of this tour! Your book sounds great :)


Mary Ann said...

Thank you for participating in this event and for sharing your story.

Mary Ann

merikat1948 at hotmail dot com

Leah said...

thank you for participating and i look forward to reading your book

Gracen Miller said...

Wow! I had to take my son to the doctor, so imagine my surprise when I returned and so many had commented. Thanks to ALL of you for coming out today. I've sent emails with the smashwords code to all of you through Mary Ann.

BJ, I'm sorry about your father's suffering as well!

Lizzz, a *huggle* to your brother from me.

jmrinaldo, may God Bless each of them!

Brian, I agree with you, but none of us can appreciate the horrors of war until we experience it.

Crystal, your dad was one of the lucky ones.

katsrus, I wish we could do more for our military because they deserve so much more!

Shayne, THANK YOU for serving your country and keeping our country free! *a very warm huggle from me to you*

Ryan, THANK YOU to you!! *huggle from me to you*

Kathryn, thanks for sharing your story. The local high school teacher story you shared broke my heart.

The One and Only Doc, I agree, it has been an awesome experience joining this tour.

Mindy, my heart goes out to you, hun. *huggles ya*

Betty, I sent your soldier Jon a smashwords code as well. Thank you to you and your husband! *huggles*

Sophia, I think many veterans suffer from PTSD, it's not just the Vietnam soldiers. What they experience...I think it would give me nightmares.

Paranormal Opinion, I've enjoyed being a part of the tour!

To the ALL of you...I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'd love to hear your thoughts after you read it.


Gracen Miller said...

Leah, I just sent you the smashwords code for Madison's Life Lessons. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing what you think after you read it.


Denise Z said...

I have had to tone down my emotions during the Blog Tour de Troops, as we have so much to be grateful to our troops and veterans for. This is such a wonderful event, thank you so much for participating and honoring our veterans on their day and giving to our troops the joy of a good book. I am also thankful for your providing us readers a copy of your lovely book as well. Your efforts are appreciated.


Gracen Miller said...

Howdy, Denise Z! *waves* Thanks for stopping by and donating your time. I agree, honor the troops can be a very emotional time for us all. But it's okay, it show our compassion and verifies that we still care!

I've already emailed you the smashwords code. Hope you enjoy reading Madison's Life Lessons!


Unknown said...

Thank you to our troops and thank you for what you're doing.

goaliemom00 @ cox . net

Gracen Miller said...

Thanks Laurie for stopping by! I just sent you the smashword code for Madison's Life Lessons. I look forward to hearing what you think!


Diane U said...

This is a great idea. I am on disability due to Fibromyalgia and I know getting lost in a good book is more help than anything the doctors have come up with. The ebooks will certainly be a good outlet for the troops too.

My dad was a WWII veteran and one of my uncles said he was never the same after the war. He lost some of his joy for life. He was in Europe and we have some pictures of him in Paris with some pretty ladies while on leave. LOL

OmahaUrbanec AT Aol DOT com

Joella said...

This is such an awesome cause Gracen!! I know so many people stationed overseas including a close friend who is a ranger that was a miracle survivor of being shot in the head at close range just a couple of years is so important that we support those who have fought for our country in the past as well as thouse that and currently defending the freedom we all enjoy!!


Eileen said...

Thanks for participating in the event. I enjoyed your story about your father.

eileen at

Gracen Miller said...

Diane U, thanks so much for stopping by. My mother-in-law suffers from fibromyalgia, so I know how difficult of a disease it can be at times. Hope you stay well!! I would think it would be very easy to lose some joy for life after seeing war firsthand!

Joella, WOW! Shot in the head and lived that sure is a miracle!

Eileen, thanks for stopping by!

I've already sent the smashword code to the three of you via email. Hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'd love to hear what you think after reading it.


Susan said...

It's a wonderful thing all these authors are doing with the Blog Tour de Troops. I was just reading a news article in which active duty troops were lamenting the lack of new books to read! Thank you for your generosity and the contest!

Gracen Miller said...

Howdy, Susan! I'm glad we can help, even if it's just a wee bit. I hope I can make one serviceman or woman smile at least once...okay, there won't be much smiling in my book, but hopefully it'll take them from reality for a little while. =D


winnie said...

Thank you for supporting the troops! I think this tour is a wonderful idea and I'm glad so many authors are participating!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story, and for supporting our troops!

M.D. Christie

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for supporting our troops! and thanks for donating books to them... it's a wonderful thing!!!

Gracen Miller said...

Howdy Winnie and M.D.! Thanks to both of you for coming out today. I've already sent both of you the smashword free code for Madison's Life Lessons. I hope you enjoy the book and I look forward to hearing what you think.


In Julie's Opinion said...

I think what you all are doing for our soldiers is a wonderful thing! My husband served in the Navy, and my mother-in-law and daughter served in the Air Force, so our men and women are very close to my heart at all times, but especially on and around Veteran's Day :)
Thank you for the free copy of your book! I am really looking forward to reading it:D
jwitt33 at live dot com

jacque said...

Seeing so much destruction has to have a profound effect on our troops...both before and now. Thank you for relieving some of their stress of daily combat!
twinmomx5 at gmail

Evan said...

That bracelet looks amazing. Your grandfather is really talented!

Gracen Miller said...

Julie W., thanks to you and your family!! I am so thankful for the sacrifice!

Jacque, I totally agree with you!

Evan, that bracelet is so cool and I am so thankful he gave me a piece of not just history, but his history.

I've sent the smashword code to the three of you already. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I look forward to hearing what you think.


Barb A said...

Indie authors are so great to do this. Looking forward to reading your book & sharing with the troops.

Please send code to

MaryC said...

Thank you, Gracen, for sharing your story and for participating in such a wonderful event.

Please donate my copy to a service member.

Unknown said...

Thanks for supporting our troops.

My husband is a former Marine.

earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

Gracen Miller said...

Barb A, I just sent your smashwords code. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I look forward to hearing what you think.

Howdy MaryC! Thanks for stopping by my site and visiting.


Gracen Miller said...

Howdy, Heather! Thanks so much to you and your marine husband! I've already sent the smashword code to you. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons.


Carla63 said...

Thanks for participating in such a good cause.

Gracen Miller said...

Howdy, Carla! Thanks for stopping by. I just sent you the Smashword code for the free e-book. I look forward to hearing what you think about Madison's Life Lessons!


Isolabella said...

Thank you so much for supporting our troops and for doing this. You're right. We should always support our troops even if we don't agree with the wars.

thenarcissuslibrary at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking part in the Tour and thank you to all that have served our country.

larson a 1 @ live dot com

Gracen Miller said...

Isolabella--what a lovely name!--I just sent you an email with the smashword code for Madison's Life Lessons. I hope you enjoy reading it and I look forward to hearing what you think.


Linda Meza said...

Thanks for supporting our troops this way. I am sure a soldier would love a good book to escape to while they are away from their families protecting out freedom.
Thanks again
Linda Meza

Christy said...

Thank you for caring and brightening the day of many soldiers. christygibbon at juno dot com

Miranda Grissom said...

Hi Thank you for sharing those bracelets are amazing!! Thank you to all Veteran's and those still serving!


Anonymous said...

This is so great that you all are doing this tour for the troops. Thank you so much.

Neve said...

Thank-you for doing this. Please send them my copy too.

Gracen Miller said...

Linda, Christa, JTbiker and Miranda, thanks so much for stopping by! I've already emailed you the smashwords code. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I look forward to hearing what you think.


anme said...

Thank you for sharing your stories, I hope that your father is doing better now. Your bracelet is lovely, I'm really impressed with your grandfather's metal working skills.
Thank you for participating in this great tour, I look forward to reading your book!
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Just Another Face said...

I loved the story. Being a Veteran myself i like to hear about other Veteran's stories! TY Gracen!

Toni said...

Thank you for supporting our troops. I'm sure they'll love your book.

reikibirth at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This was such an amazing idea! Thanks for helping support our troops!


Paranormal Pleasures said...

Thank-you for supporting your soldiers. they do such a good job, I wish there was something similar for the UK forces, Thank-you for the great give-away


Thanks to our troops. Love the story.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for supporting our troops!

Theresa M said...

Thank you for supporting our Troops!

Pokey said...

Thanks so much for participating in this event. My Dad and Hubby are Marine Corps veterans. Semper Fi!

Sarah M said...

Thanks for sharing your book with everyone.
Your family bracelet is not only beautiful, it is full of meaning.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. It must be difficult for any soldier returning home and thank you for imparting such a difficult story.

Thanks for the post!

slyvester!123!! said...

Thanks so much for sharing your story. And thanks for your support of the troops the past, present and the future.
And also thanks for all your hard work on this memorial.
I can't wait to read your book.

D. M. Kenyon said...

Your story about your family is quite compelling. If that bracelet of your yours is aluminum, it is very likely what your grandfather says it is. Or course, one way or the other, it is a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing and thank you for participating on this blog tour. It would seem that this holiday hits home more for you than for some of the rest of us.

Very truly yours,
D. M. Kenyon
author at lotus blossom book dot com

Andrea said...

Thanks for supporting our troops by doing this. My father, Husband, and brother-in-law have served or are currently serving, and anything that supports them and our troops is something that is near and dear to my heart.
Many Thanks,

Anonymous said...

thanks for participating. count me in, both my pops and uncles were in vietnam as well.

Unknown said...

My grandfather was in the Navy, so the military is near and dear to my heart as well. Thank you for participating in this tour!

Nancy G said...

Thank you for sharing your story with us, it makes things very special and personal.

Anne said...

Many thanks to your family for their selfless service. I don't know if our service men and women are ever appreciated as much as they should be.

Thanks again,

Unknown said...

Great blog. Thank you for participating in this event, I think the tour is a great way to show support for our troops and am happy to see so many participating authors. shadow31071 (at) suddenlink (dot) net

Anonymous said...

Thank you for participating in this wonderful project, and thank you to our veterans and their families for their service!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for participating.

msmjb65 said...

Thanks for sharing your story. It seems like a lot of the authors on this blog tour have family members who are serving now or have served.It's funny because my father served in the Korean war, but I'm just this very minute realizing that he too is a vet!! No, I'm not kidding you! I guess I don;t think pf him that way because he doesn't either. He makes jokes about how he avoided going to Korea because he was an accountant and volunteered to go to Trieste when he friends all wanted to go see action. He tells stories of how he ran the base's black market cigarette business, as well as being the "go to" guy for other items like beer.
I need to talk to him about this and get my head screwed on again..
Well, thanks for being involved in this and being the author who got me to realize that, even though my father doesn't think it was a big deal to be in the Army - it really was!!
msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com

Melissa said...

Thank you for being a part of this amazing project.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for supporting our troops in such a generous manner! I know that each and every book received will be greatly appreciated! And thank you for allowing me to be a part of it through you!

Thank you also for sharing your story! I am very close to someone who was recently discharged from the military due to PTSD, it is a terrible condition!

Abhishek said...

Thank you for your generous effort

IndojinPot said...

Thank you for your generous effort

Gracen Miller said...

Thank you to everyone who left comments and for sharing your story!

I've sent the smashword code up through Melissa and now I'm off to check and see if there are more comments. I hope each of you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I look forward to hearing what you think!


Gracen Miller said...

Amanda W., I just sent you your smashword code! I look forward to hearing what you think about Madison's Life Lesson!

Anyone that left a comment but NO email address and still want the smashcode, please leave me your email address!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for participating in the Blog Tour de Troops! Such a great cause. :)



Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind on the tour but I wanted to thank all the awesome authors who are participating in this. It is a really great idea. I also want to thank all the soldiers and their families form the bottom of my heart so "THANK YOU".

And I think look forward to reading this book.

Thanks again!!!

Anonymous said...

hi G I think it is awesome that you are doing this!!!


brandyzbooks at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating and supporting the troops Gracen. :)

Terri m

Gracen Miller said...

Thanks for stopping by Jesi, RodneyandMel and Brandy! I just sent your smashwords code to you. I look forward to hearing what you think about Madison's Life Lessons once you finish reading it!


Gracen Miller said...

Howdy, Terri M. I just sent you your smashwords code for Madison's Life Lessons. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing what you think!


Gracen Miller said...

Roxs, thanks so much for stopping by! I just sent you the smashword code to Madison's Life Lessons. I hope you enjoy reading it and I look forward to hearing what you think.


Jami said...

I admire what you all are doing. As a child of the military, (my mom, biological father, and step father, all are military, in various branches, not to mention aunts, uncles, and grandparents), it's always been part of my life, so I think it's really nice when people acknowledge what they spend their lives devoted towards.

jamileigh17 at gmail dot com, kindle format preferred.

Krysykat said...

Thank you to all that serve.


Marty P said...

Great story, thanks for supporting the troops.


Kristin said...

Very cool bracelet. Great story. Thanks for participating.

Cat said...

Thanks for sharing your stories.It must have been difficult for your father. My best wishes to you all.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for how the war affected your father. I am sure it is heartbreaking.

Thank you for being part of Blog Tour de Troops. I appreciate it.



jessica said...

Your grandfather's bracelet looks really cool. I'm sorry that your father suffered through post traumatic stress disorder. War affects everyone in a different way but I'm not surprised he acted that way with the plane, I probably would have to. Thank you to all our veterans, troops in and out of service and our heroes. You'll never kno whow much you mean to us all. May you all return home safe and sound.
jessangil at gmail dot com
-Jessica B

mksebook said...

I'm so glad there's another Tour de Troops!! Can't wait to see if there's more comments than Memorial Day! What a great way to give our troops a little escape in a book while they are away from home and at war. Thanks IndieBookCollective!! Thanks for the free book - can't wait to read your story!

I would like the troop book to go to my cousin Zachary Neer serving in the United States Army in Afghanistan. His email is:

Gracen Miller said...

I have sent smashwords codes for Madison's Life Lessons to everyone that commented. I hope you enjoy Madison's Life Lessons and I'd love to hear what you think about the story when you finish it.

If you did not receive the code, PLEASE CONTACT ME here or at!!

Missyebookmail, I sent the smashword code to your cousin, Zachary Neer, but if he doesn't receive it or cannot open smashwords from his location, please let me know and I'll send him the e-book in whatever format he wants it in.

Thanks to all of you for coming out to honor our troops! It warms my heart to know so many care about them and support them!


TinaMarie said...

Excellent idea for our troops! Would love a copy of your book.

waverlyn at hotmail dot com