
Friday, March 9, 2012

OMG! I'm on the Road to Hell!!

OMG! I'm on the Road to Hell!!!
Enter Contest Below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a hard question! I am kickass hellhound, but I think I'd like a sexy story. As for who with? Umh. All of them. Because I cannot choose. Hehehe.

  2. Best contest ever!!!!!! OK, normally I would say I would love one of Micah, but since his heart is truly only for Madison and he would never let you write differently, I am going to pick Kur.

  3. BEST CONTEST EVER!!! Yep, Delphina said it best!!

    For me...I would definitely want a sexy scene with the hotness of ZEN!!! I began liking the others, but this man has captured my soul...


    Hmmm...who would I pick? Nix. I know, you're shocked, right? Maybe throw a little Zen into the mix too. And it HAS to be sexy of course!


    I would need a combo short story. It would have to involve me (SASSY) fighting side by side with the sexy as hell King of Hell Micah Dominus! After we kick ass and take would be a massive sexfest! *winks at Nix*

    Would you expect anything less?


  6. Mandi "Demented Hellhound" BrowningMarch 9, 2012 at 11:48 PM

    I concur with the others, this is the best contest ever!!

    I would want a scene of steamy hotness with Zen and/or Kur. I'd love to pick Nix or Micah, but I know both of their hearts belong to Madison, and I wouldn't want it any other way! <3

  7. Such a hard question! I'm having a hard time choosing exactly which characters but I would like to think that my character would be like a beacon of light to guide, a whisper of continuous encouragement, a stone for support, and a burning passion to keep those in need alive. A person to help those who are quickly sinking in a pit of despair, struggling for anything to keep them afloat in the darkness of Hell.

  8. you know i'm a nix girl so you know what i want if i win ;)

  9. Oh my sweet mother of Satan!

    That's easy! I'd like to go for a hunt (doesn't matter what or who we hunt), fighting side by side with two Kings of Hell: Micah and his cocky brother, Elias. YES BOTH!! After we kicked their asses (or they kicked ours, that's completely up to you)I'd like to try that threesome!!!

  10. OMG! Andi showed me this contest now, and I'm a little bit excited:)).
    You know, my fav is Micah and Micah and Micah:)))) so I would like to get a HOTHOT story with him:)))

    This is one of the BEST contest, I have ever seen!

  11. Omg...this is the best contest ever!!! Oh boy decisions decisions....I definitely would love a sexy story with Nix!!!! Oh what the hell I love all the all of them!!!

  12. Ohhhh, a short story with Micah and Nix in a lovely sexy love story with them would be fantastic. I can already picture it in my head. HAHAHA yeah I'm a dirty girl.

    Or one of Kur and Zen get him to loosen up that's hot too. But, I think I have to go for Micah and Nix.


  13. i would love a sexy story with Micah & Nix. ;-) and maybe even a little Zen involved.

  14. OMG.......I want to go hunting with Nix!!!!!!!!!!!


  15. Best Contest Ever!!! I would love a sex scene of course. Would have to choose Nix and Zen both. Hey a girl can dream.
    Thanks for the chance to win. Love this series. Reading Hells Phoenix and just almost half-way and loving it so much.

  16. I could not post the link to the reviews...


  17. a sex scene with Zen. no thought about that one i love zen :)I love the series.

  18. Hi Gracen, This has got to be the greatest contest ever Thank-you x x

    I would love to have a kicking ass scene with Madison, just because I could and then after a hard day kicking ass I would go back to Hell and have lots of loving with Micah, which off course would send me straight to heaven where I would get lots of loving from Nix & Zen, lol, Don't want much, just the best of both worlds x x


  19. I would love a kick ass scene with Mads, Petra, Zen and the dragon boys. If Micah and Nix make an appearance to help out...all the better.
    Thanks for such an awesome contest, Momma. Y'all thought I'd pick a sexfest, didn't ya? Ha! That is where I would leave Gracen and crew to their own devices.

    <3 Wild

  20. such a great contest.... My favorite is Micah of course... Since the first time I read, he has been my favorite. GOOSEBUMPS!!! A sweet, sexy short story, mmmmm hmmmm!

  21. Ok I finally remembered (thank you Gracen). Where do I begin? I'd want to be in a story demon hunting with Madison of course. Her fierce protectiveness for Amos and her ability to Morph into a hunter floored me. We'd fight in synchronisty. Perfectly paired :) As for a sex scene? So not necessary, because I'd rather have Madison on my side instead of wanting to kill me. But a scene of almost getting carried away with Nix wouldn't get me killed, right? If so, then I'm all for a full scene. Might as well die happy <3

    Stacey jo

  22. I would like to see a story where Micah has a long lost love appear out of nowhere and he is torn seeing her. I really want to see how Madison reacts to it since we saw how she acted when she thought Nix was still in love with someone else.

  23. Wowza! I think the obvious choice is to kick some ass with Micah and get some ass from Micah!!!

  24. I want to kick ass with My Men Zen & Nix!! you know much much I love those two lol

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I would want both some kick ass scenes with Zen and Nix and love story with Zen.

  27. since im a greedy bitch with a naughty personality i will take Micah, Nix.....oh hell give them all to me the whole shebang .... give me ...give me


  28. I would *love* to go hunting with Nix and Zen *for* Micah and Elias! After finding, and cornering, them, the boys get into a battle of wills and skills to see who gets to claim me as their own! After several minutes of this contest I get so hot watching them spar for rights to my body and soul that I Can't Take It Anymore, and propose different rules: We all get down and dirty to see who can bring me to satisfaction the most times! ;-P Me, me, me!

  29. I would want to be a character in a sexy story with all the Characters! I could be a long lost sister of Madison's that she didn't know exists...I would have some kind of unique ability that would help in the fight against evil creatures

  30. Just one? Nooooo, I want them all!


  31. Hmmm.... decisions, decisions.

    That being said, I would love to be in either type of scene (or a combo scene of sex and demon fighting, maybe?)

    As for the character(s) fighting/sexing alongside me... surprise me. :)

  32. I think i'll start out with fighting. when new, gotta start out slow, you know!

    as to scene/characters, I'm flexible there!!


  33. I would have to say I would want either a hunting or sexy scene with Zen. I choose Zen because I don't want to piss Mads off for one thing, but mainly because I would love to see Zen cut loose! I bet he would be tons of sexy sexy fun!!!

  34. Hmmmm...I'll take Zen in the shower for the win :)

    Debi Anne

  35. Definately fighting side by side with Micah!! :D

    Thank you for this opportunity! Very exciting!

  36. You could pick who ever you want to be in it I only know Pam and Mike and the book I'd like is Hells Phonenix

  37. Oh yeah...a SEXY one...and with...???? Nix, Micah, Hellhound-you know I'm just let the creative juices flow and tell me who I'm with! ;)

  38. Kicking ass scene with Micah and Madison, then after a hard day of kicking ass a steamy sex shower scene with Elias...yum!

  39. Best contest ever!!! I would love to be in a sexy scene with Nix and/or Zen.. Both is fine with me, too ;) Hmm, I can already picture it.. *blushes*

  40. I would want to be in a fight with Nix that ends up in something sexy haha :P

  41. omg I can't wait to read these!!!

  42. This may be an odd "I'd like to", but as I write angel and demon fiction myself, I would love to see a story pairing my two most popular characters paired up with yours, vs. "me" being in the story. :-) With lotsa action and ass-kicking, naturally! ;-)
