
Friday, March 9, 2012

Creatura by Nely Cab Contest

Nely Cab has some awesome Creatura swag and she sent me some extras to give away! I have two extra pens and signed bookmarks (pictured in the photo below--NO coveting my postcard and business card!!! lol)? Enter through the Rafflecopter for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hehe! Thank you for doing this giveaway :) I'm not very creative so I'll just say that I'm going to kidnap Nix and hold him hostage until you deem me one of the winners ;)

  2. What wicked evil thing would I do? Well, first I'd put my boot on. From there, I would just kick some ass. Kinda self explanatory because of my nickname, ya know. ;)

  3. I would use the pen to write a naughty love note to my husband and the book mark in a naughty book ;)

    thanks for the chance!

  4. I will hound you with a million comments until I win the pen!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would sell my soul to Micah and be his sex slave for all eternity lol

  7. ooh what WOULD i do? lol

    I'd use the pen to "tattoo" some sexy ink of my body and the bookmark for..a book mark ;)

  8. Well...what evil thing would I do with the bookmark and the pen? The bookmark I would have to be selfish and keep it for myself because I just LOVE bookmarks. The pen...I would give it back to an awesome writer, like yourself, so you could use it to edit more amazing books!!!
    Woot! Thank you for a great giveaway!!!

  9. I love contests. Please enter me to win. Need pens and bookmarks!!

  10. would use the pen to draw a better hellhound next time =D

    Thank you for this giveaway :)

  11. What would Sassy do for the pen? What would Sassy NOT DO!

    Be asked for it!

    When Sassy decides she wants something, she will stop at NO LENGTHS to get it. There is this magical pen with CREATURA printed on it. It is very rare and Sassy has to have it.

    She calls her main squeeze Micah, who happens to be the King of Hell to give her a little hellish support. After an INCREDIBLE night of "convincing" Micah to help her (like he needed any convincing), he agrees. She has FULL HELL ACCESS! Only one thing now stands between Sassy and her pen...the amazing and incredible Gracen Miller *insert twilight zone music here*

    Sassy out :)

  12. I would use it to write love letters to my sexy hubby and get him going just by my words.


  13. I'd use my pen to write about violence against women and children and use the bookmark for all those wonderful books that I read!

  14. Thank you, Gracen for the awesome giveaway! Nely Cab DOES have awesome swag! I gotta tell ya I would have LOVED to keep a pen but then it wouldn't have been very nice of me!! lol

  15. OMG!!!!! I have been trying to enter this giveaway and I couldnt blog for some reason but yay I am now I would be so honored if u may add me to this Wonderful, awesomeness giveaway I would b soo Happy if u may Pretty, pretty Please with a cherry on top lol;) thanks a million ......;)

  16. Cool giveaway. I love pens probably because I started learning calligraphy. What wicked thing would I do to win? I'd use it to write my own version of the Necromicon in invisible ink and bring about the zombie apocalypse. :D

  17. OMG!! I guess I didnt read what I was suppose to do with the Pen Well for one its probably not wicked but would so use it to write all my pen-pals lol, and write in my journal.... and I would add that bookmark to my wonderful collection to the others i have collected from all u wonderful Authors, thanks million for this giveaway ;)

  18. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win, but while I might occasionally enjoy reading about wicked things, I am not a very wicked minded person.

  19. i would write some amazing romance love stories with this pen making them extra spicy ;)

  20. I'd write my BDSM storys with it ~ wicket grin ~

  21. You know, you ask some really tough questions sometimes Momma Hellhound...

    What wicked naughty thing would I do to win this???
    Bug the t-total-hell out of you until you give in to MY demands....AND we know what my demands are, don't we????
    ZEN!! :)

  22. Id write a love note to Davheed :) make a receipe for NYX .. :) Thanks for the wonderful giveaway ... :)

    kat :)

  23. Hmm I'd use the pen to write out very important info for finding a new house! :) Not so naughty... cuz, well I just can't think of anything at the moment lol and I'd use the bookmark in my naughty romance novels ;)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!!

  24. Wicked, Evil thing????
    Im not really wicked or evil, im more a lover so here goes a try of what i would do for the Creatura Pen and Bookmark ;).
    I would have David and the Gemini fly me to where you are and have them manipulate you to award it to me because i loved the book so much and am trying very patiently to wait for the next book, maybe not Wicked or evil but like i said im a lover lol ;) xx

  25. Since I an a pen collector, I would place the pen in a collector's cabinet with my other more unusual ones. I also have a substantial bookmark collection as well and would love to win both! Interesting blogs, books and giveaways! Thanks.

  26. Since my husband hasn't caught the hint that I want the book, Creatura yet, I would wait until he is sleeping and write Creatura all over his face. Then I would place the bookmark in his wallet where his money should be and see how fast I get the book, LOL!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway chance!

    Gena Robertson

  27. Wicked thing?

    Nothing much. I'd just use the pen to threaten people to poke them in the eye if they bother me while reading the book.
    Pens are good for payback too. I could write all over their face when their faces XD
    Bookmarks? Place them all over the place till people at home get spooked out? Pretend that I'm actually burning the edges!

  28. Thanks to ALL of you for coming out and playing. Your wicked uses for the pen--while not all wicked--were entertaining and so much fun to read! Thanks for playing along!

    The two winners have been picked by Rafflecopter and they're listed in the block above, BUT they are...


    I'll send you both emails about your winning!

    Congrats to you both and thanks to everyone else for coming out to support Nely Cab!

