
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sugar and Spice Tour

The Road to Hell series welcomes authors 
Amber Scott, Elena Gray, and Kelli McCracken

Please welcome Authors Amber, Elena, and Kelli onto the Road to Hell. Amber is the author of A Love Soul Deep, Elena is the author of Sweet Serendipity, and Kelli is the author of Only in Time. They are all part of the Mystique Antiques Crossover Series.

Now, it’s time to create a little hell and get to the good stuff by revealing all of their wicked secrets while on the Road to Hell. LOL  Yeah, you wish! ;-D 

Grab your favorite drink, sink your teeth into something decadent, sit back, relax and enjoy getting to know them.

GRACEN:  Tell me three things about yourself that we cannot find on the internet or in your bio?

KELLI: I’m a Bingo fanatic. I sing as loud and proud and offkey as I can when I’m by myself in my car, and I’m infatuated with Ian Somerhalder ~_^

ELENA: I used to work for the Ricki Lake Show (yes those people are real). I almost had an Open Water experience in Puerto Rico (we actually joked about this before getting into the water). I spent my honeymoon in a haunted castle in Scotland.

AMBER: Wow. This is a hard one. I guess that means I spill my guts a lot. Okay, how about that I love to have pedicured feet and a foot rub will get you far with me. I also have pretty talented feet and can pick up objects with my toes and pinch pretty hard with them, too. I can only remember three great jokes, but all three shock people because apparently I come across as innocent and proper in person. And the jokes are anything but.

GRACEN: What hobbies and interests do you participate in when you’re not writing?

KELLI: Is sleep considered a hobby? lol. Seriously, it seems like I’m always writing. Or plotting. Or thinking about writing and plotting. I sneak in reading when I can. I’m a mom of four, too, so I have a full schedule.

ELENA: When I’m not writing? I’m usually doing something with my boys. But if I need to decompress for a few days, I dive into my other creative outlet, crafting. I like to knit, make jewelry, sew, and troll Pinterest for new craft ideas. I have drawers full of great ideas that are screaming for my attention. Unfortunately for them, my characters scream louder.

AMBER: I love to run. I just completed my first half marathon! Running is a lot like writing. I blare music, sweat, often have to force myself to do it but always feel better afterwards. I love to read and believe deeply in the art of cuddling.

GRACEN: Do you have any writing quirks or certain things you MUST have or do before beginning the writing process?

KELLI: I need silence. And coffee. Unless it’s late at night or the weekend. Then I like a little Jack Daniels. When I get stuck on a scene, I usually take a hot bath. Water releases my creativity for some reason. In the spring and fall, I love to walk in the woods. Very inspiring.

ELENA: I don’t really need anything but my laptop. I can write just about anywhere and have. Football practice, birthday parties, car trips... But when I get stuck, I need to step away from the computer. I’ll take a shower or clean the house until the scene unfolds in my mind.

AMBER: Aside from my laptop? Coffee! I write best in the morning. Great music is always a go to when I’m feeling blocked but, generally, as long as I’m caffinated, my muse is happy, happy.

GRACEN:  What genre do you write and why that genre?

KELLI: Paranormal romance. I’ve always been attracted to anything above and beyond the realm of ‘normal’. There are many unexplainable things in the universe. I’m a Sagittarius, so it’s in my nature to ponder the ‘what ifs” in life. I’m a true romantic at heart, romance just came naturally.

ELENA: Paranormal romance. I didn’t choose this genre. It chose me. Actually the characters chose it for me. They tell the story. I just write it.

AMBER: I am a genre-jumper. My books span the sub-genres of romance from historical to contemporary but they tend to have two all important elements--magic and spice!

GRACEN: For those who are not yet familiar with you, can you please give us some details about the book and/or series?

KELLI: Only in Time is my very first novella. Which was a challenge for me. I’m an ‘old-fashioned’ storyteller. Long winded ~_^ It takes place in Savannah, Georgia, present day and follows the story of Ally and Jonah, childhood friends who stumble back into each other’s lives after six years. Even though both are guarding their heart, neither realize the true magic at work. Magic that could right the wrongs that tore them apart.

ELENA: In Sweet Serendipity, Gwen’s mouth gets in the way of her love life. Second dates are never an option. Until she meets her idol Ethan. They both have trust issues. There are outside forces at work, but is it enough to bring the two of them together.

AMBER: I’m a longtime sucker for wish stories, do overs, might have beens. Mystique Antiques first novella, A Love Soul Deep is a hot, angst filled ride down What If lane. I had so many ideas for the little shop and owner that started it all, but we all only have so many typing hours in the day. I am a big fan of Kelli and Elena’s voices and thought between us, readers might get a nice, well rounded variety of stories plus all sorts of fun in doing the shop’s items justice. Hence the multi-author series was born. We see it like the 39 Clues of romance lovers. We have a lot of exciting plans for the books and much more to up the reader experience overall.

GRACEN:  Do you have any new stories in the works and can you tell us a bit about it/them?

KELLI: I have several in the works. One is a short story that I wrote last year. Once revisions are complete, it will be a full length novel and part of a new series. I’ll also be working on the third book in my Soulmate Series.

ELENA: I have a short story that I’m expanding. It’s actually based on my honeymoon in Scotland. Then I’ll start on the second book in my Night Series.

AMBER: OMG. Too many! I have the next Mystique Antiques release titled One Missed Kiss that is a sort of back in time second chance romance. Then I’m eeking out the final touches on long overdue Enchanted Moon. Stealing Dusk is going strong and I have a few others waiting in the wings.

GRACEN: If you could describe your writing with one word or brief phrase, what would it be? Please delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they’ve finished reading your story.

KELLI: Love is worth every risk you take.

ELENA: Love saves us all.

AMBER: Love transforms.

GRACEN: Of all your books, which character did you have the most fun creating and why?

KELLI: Layne, from my Soulmate Series. He started off as this pompous jerk who you just wanted to smack. But as the story continued, Layne showed me a different side of him. One I couldn’t ignore, even if he would have let me. He has made a major transformation. One that shocked me. I can’t wait to see where he takes me in Book 3

ELENA: I would have to say Gwen, from Sweet Serendipity. She says socially unacceptable things to her dates that we all wish we could say. Several times I had to sensor her.

AMBER: Finn, in Irish Moon. A talking cat with a curse was sooooo much fun to write. Mostly because of his very sarcastic humor. I miss Finn!

GRACEN: If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why?

KELLI: That’s a hard choice. But I’d think it would be Layne. His a tortured soul who loves to torture me in the middle of night. I’d like to return the favor.

ELENA: While Ian is very special to me, it would have to be Trent from my Night Series. He’s experienced a great loss in his life. Helping him battle his demons really connected me to him. Like Layne, he’s a tortured soul.

AMBER: Ashlon from Irish Moon! He’s just absolutely delicious. That perfect combination of honor and duty plus fierce and passionate. Add to that eyes the color of dewy grass on a spring morning. *sigh*

GRACEN:  Thanks so much for joining us, Amber, Elena, & Kelli!  It’s been a treat getting to know you better! 

Kelli McCracken

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Time doesn’t always mend a broken heart.

Jonah McCabe made a horrible mistake six years ago that cost him his chance at happiness. Then fate interceded.

A last minute favor has him coming face to face with his past. Every beautiful inch of it. Her laughter still echoed in his mind. As did the pain in her voice the day she left.

Can he make things right in a race against the clock, or will time continue to work against him?


Silence is golden. Honesty...not so much.

Gwen Palmer's saucy mouth gets in the way of her heart's desire...again. Just when she is about to trade her baker's hat for a nun's habit, she comes face to face with her idol, Ethan Reynolds.

Ethan isn't immune to Gwen's loose lips. Nor her quirkiness. And something about her smile tugs at his heart. Will he look beyond her outrageous remarks and see the truth inside? Or will Gwen lose her one chance at true love?


Inside a mysterious little shop of magical wares, a gold locket catches her eye and her hopes. Inside the tiny gold frame is a picture of the one man she compares all others to. The one that got away...

Can this locket, one wish, bring back the love she lost?

If you swoon for stories like Somewhere In Time and Message in a Bottle, you'll love A Love Soul Deep.

Buy Links: 
Only in Time link  
A Love Soul Deep link:

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