
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Author Caitlin Ricci

Hey, this is Caitlin Ricci and I’d like to talk about my new book, The Little Crow.

I’ve always wanted to try self publishing, but it felt like this hugely complicated task of questions and formats, nothing I had any experience in. But after talking to a few people, getting connected with someone who can format my book for me that is also affordable and having a beautiful cover made for me by Tabatha Heart, I knew I had to try it. And honestly it’s not as scary as I originally thought and now my first self published book, The Little Crow, comes out this weekend.

The Little Crow came out of a blog hop that a group of us M/M authors living in Colorado put together earlier this year. We stopped by a blog and the idea was to write a quick free short story. Another option was to write that short based on the cover of another author’s book. I thought it would be a nice challenge and so I chose Michele M. Montgomery’s book Dammit! I didn’t read the blurb, didn’t ask her about her book at all. The idea was to see what I would come up with based on only seeing her cover- a man in chains. And so The Little Crow was born.

I had an amazing amount of encouragement about this little short. People emailed me often. They wanted to know what happened between Mal and Jamison. For a while that was it and I didn’t think I’d continue it. I knew I wanted to self publish it if I ever wrote it into a full length story and the idea of that was just too scary to be tempted. But then Mal sat up and started talking one day. He got demanding and I had to listen. There’s no avoiding a character when they start talking loudly enough to drown out everyone else in an author’s head.

And so I listened to him and I wrote. My wonderful cover artist, Tabatha Heart, worked incredibly quickly to get me what is now my favorite cover of them all. I learned about self publishing and knew I had to try it. From that little short this book and three more after it were born, along with a spin off series with one of the characters that you’ll meet in The Little Crow.

Thank you for reading about how The Little Crow began and I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out. It’s available at Amazon and many other online ebook retailers. Here are the links-
All Romance E-books-

Here’s the blurb to get you started
Detective Jamison Landry knew his job was never going to be easy. He’s dealt with the worst criminals imaginable and believes in his work and the community he serves. But he’s never met someone like Mal before. The mysterious man keeps him guessing, both confuses and excites him and Jamison isn’t sure how he feels about the man. Things turn from unusual to downright strange when people start insisting Mal isn’t quite human. And Jamison’s creepy dreams of crows and graveyards don’t make things any better for him. Will Mal stay around long enough for Jamison to figure out his secrets or will this mysterious stranger leave him wanting more?

And my cover artist made me this great book trailer

About Me
Caitlin was fortunate growing up to be surrounded by family and teachers that encouraged her love of reading. She has always been a voracious reader and that love of the written word easily morphed into a passion for writing. If she isn't writing, she can usually be found studying as she works toward her counseling degree. She comes from a military family and the men and women of the armed forces are close to her heart. She also enjoys gardening and horseback riding in the Colorado Rockies where she calls home with her wonderful fiance, their dog and Blue Tongue Skink. Her belief that there is no one true path to happily ever after runs deeply through all of her stories.

Thank you for spending time with me today. Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great . <3 the intro to this can't wait to check it out .
