
Monday, December 24, 2012

All Roads Lead to Hell

Truth or Tell

Gracen: Welcome to a truth or tell sessions with the Road to Hell series characters. The rules are simple…anyone can ask for a truth or tell and the characters have to be brutally honest. They cannot lie, cannot evade. Only plain speaking is allowed. So, here goes…

Mindy: Micah, a truth…is it true that you love Madison more than you love being a King of Hell?
Micah: Yes. Hell gave me something to focus on after my Fall. But Madison gave me a reason to live again. *gazes at Madison and mouths to her: “I love you, kitten.”*
Madison: *bites her bottom lip*

Gracen: Andrea, you’re up next…

Andrea: Amos, tell me who do you love more, Micah or Nix?
Nix: Of course it’s me. *winks*
Amos: *giggles* Um…I love them both. They’re both fun at different things. I like kicking Daddy Nix’s butt on the X-box.
Nix: The kid’s merciless.
Amos: I like when Daddy shows me how to use my powers. They both can be scary, too. *shivers*

Gracen: You’re turn, Shelley…

Shelley: To any of you…tell me who is the most shabbily dressed person in this room?
Madison: Probably me. *waves a finger at Shelley* I’m always wearing jeans or workout clothes…and sweaty too. Yeah, pretty much me.
Nix: Baby, I think you look hot in anything—and nothing. *waggles eyebrows *
Madison: *blows him a kiss* Compliments will get you rewarded, Nix Birmingham.
Nix: *grins, dimples blazing*
Zen: If those workouts save her life, then it’s worth being the worst dressed.
Nix and Micah in unison: Agreed.
Amos: *giggles* Jinx!

Gracen: Mindy, you’re in the hotseat...

Mindy: Micah, tell me what was your favorite sexual experience?
Madison: Not an appropriate question for Amos to hear!
Amos: *stuffs his fingers in his ears and begins to sing softly*
Zen: Not an appropriate question in my presence.
Micah: *chuckles* Easy one to answer…*evocative smile* Making love with Madison in Hell.
Madison: *soft smile, but clears her throat and looks away*

Gracen: Andrea, you’re up again…

Andrea: Petra, the truth do you find Kur hot?
Petra: *scrunches her nose* If one doesn’t mind scratchy scales, a tail, bad breath, and attitude, I suppose he’s somewhat hot. But not my type.
Kur: She’s hardly my type either.
Petra: I’m a succubus. *swirls her lollipop between her lips* That means I’m everyone’s type, scaly-boy.
Kur: You wish. A woman with a soul is more to my liking.
Petra: I have a soul.
Kur: Yours is black, doesn’t count. If you were the last woman standing anywhere, I’d rather become a monk.
Andrea: *peering between them while taking in the argument*
Petra: Oh, please. I’d get more satisfaction out of sleeping with a leprechaun than—*flicks her fingers in Kur’s direction*—it and leprechaun’s have tiny hands.
Kur: *grunts* With tiny hands comes tiny—
Gracen: *interrupts* Keep it clean!
Andrea: *takes that as her cue to resume the conversation and clears her throat* Petra, who is your type then, if not Kur?
PetraI don’t like to limit myself to one type of male. I’m an equal opportunity succubus, I like all men—just not Kur.
Andrea: Kur, tell me do you think Petra is just a little sexy?
Kur: *shudders* No.
Micah: *leans toward Kur and speaks mildly* That is my daughter you’re criticizing. You should proceed with caution.
Kur: I speak only the truth, that’s part of the rules.

Gracen: Moving along. Shelley, your turn again…

Shelley: To whoever wants to answer…tell me what is your most irritating trait? Or what is the most irritating habit of the person next to you?
Nix: Madison is perfect. That perfection is sooo irritating.
Madison: *busts out laughing* He’s teasing.
Micah: Madison is perfectly made. *winks*
Madison: They’re both arrogant, which can be irritating, as well.
Nix: Ouch.
Micah: *chuckles* It’s called self-realism, kitten, not arrogance.
Madison: *rolls eyes*
Kur: Zen doesn’t show enough emotion. That’s irritating. Kind of hard to tell what he’s really feeling sometimes.
Zen: Keeps you on your heels—*shakes head*—no, keeps you on your…toes.
Micah: He runs hotter than any of you realize. *secures a lock of hair behind his ear* Zennyo Ryuo can present one of his blank looks one second and be killing a creature in the next second. Never underestimate the immortal. Never.

Gracen: You’re up, Shelley…

Shelley: To whoever…tell me who has presented you with the worst birthday gift so far and what was it?
Nix: Gage gave me condoms when I was fourteen. *runs his fingers along his scruff* A year or two later, it’d have been the perfect gift.
Gage: *nods* He was hitting on every girl he met—
Zoe: A sign of the man-whore he’d become.
Nix: Screw you, Zo.
Zoe: *giggles at the face Nix makes*
Gage: Yeah, I guess it was a sign of what was to come. *chuckles* I knew he looked up to me like he would a big brother and I wanted to make sure he was safe.
Nix: Safe is my middle name.

Gracen: Andrea, your turn again…

Andrea: Can one of you tell me what FiFi thinks about her name?
Madison for FiFi: *pets the canine in question* She says she whispered it to me mentally when we were discussing what to name her.
Amos: Yep, and Devlin’s name popped into my head too. *legs swish back and forth* Super cool, huh?
Micah: With a name like that no one will ever guess she can be deadly. Much like my kitten, beneath her beauty, she can be lethal.
Zen: *stares at Micah* I helped hone that lethality so she could evade you.
Nix: *winces* Rub salt in the wound, Zenny.

Gracen: Shelley’s turn once more…

Shelley: To whoever…tell me what animal is most like you?
Micah: *smug grin* The Phoenix because I rose from the ashes of death.
Amos: I’m a lion…hear me rawr! *sniggers at his mock roar*
Madison: I have no idea. A dog because I’m loyal? *soft laugh* Not very glamorous, though.
Nix: I’d have said snake for Micah.
Micah: You’re jealous of me, so I’ll let that slide.
Nix: *mouths ‘no’ at Shelley with a quick headshake* Mads would be a jaguar…sleek, beautiful lines that showcases her sexiness with every move she makes. *runs his thumb along Mads’s palm* Her sultry beauty deceives her prey into dismissing her power and deadliness.
Madison: Aww…how sweet, Nix. *squeezes his hand*
Micah: Niiice, Phoenix.

Gracen: Shelley, you’ve got the final tell…

Shelley: To anyone…tell me what is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Petra: Going against Daddy to side with Amos and Madison.
Kur: Agreeing to not kill Petra.
Petra: *flips Kur off*
Zen: Breaking my ties with my Creator.
Amos: Keeping my visions secret from Momma. *peeks at her as he hugs Devlin* Sorry Momma.
Madison: It’s okay, angel.
Micah: Walking away from my wife and son.
Nix: Watching the murder of Gage and Zo. *hard glare in Micah’s direction*
Micah: *shrugs* Don’t expect an apology.
Nix: And knowing there was nothing I could do to protect Mads from Micah.
Madison: Being strong enough to love my son regardless that he was homicidal and wanting my blood.

*silence from everyone*

There will be 3 prize-packs given away for the blog tour contest. Those prizes-packs are as follows (Enter RAFFLECOPTER contest below to be eligible):


Signed copy of Pandora's Box

Signed copy of Hell's Phoenix

Road to Hell Bumper Magnet

Hellhound Magnet

Madison's Life Lesson's Magnet

Pandora's Box Magnet

Hell's Phoenix Magnet

Pandora's Box/Hell's Phoenix Postcard sized Magnet

Road to Hell book thong

Hellhound Rubber Bracelet

Hellhound Luggage Tag


Signed copy of Madison's Life Lessons

Road to Hell Bumper Magnet

Hellhound Magnet

Madison's Life Lesson's Magnet

Pandora's Box Magnet

Hell's Phoenix Magnet

Pandora's Box/Hell's Phoenix Postcard sized Magnet

Hellhound Rubber Bracelet

Bracelet (donated by Kathryn Grimes at Tsk Tsk What to Read - not pictured)


Road to Hell Bumper Magnet

Hellhound Magnet

Madison's Life Lesson's Magnet

Pandora's Box Magnet

Hell's Phoenix Magnet

Pandora's Box/Hell's Phoenix Postcard sized Magnet

Hellhound Rubber Bracelet

Bookmark (donated by Kathryn Grimes at Tsk Tsk What to Read - not pictured)

OR if that link doesn’t work for the contest, click the following one to be taken directly to Rafflecopter. 

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