
Friday, November 30, 2012

Decadent Publishing Give a Reader a Reader

Howdy! Welcome to the Give a Reader a Reader Blog Hop sponsored by Decadent Publishing! I’m excited to be a part of this event because you can WIN a Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight loaded with 45 ebooks for a friend, and 45 ebooks for yourself!

My story, Pandora’s Box, book 1 Road to Hell series, is one of the 45 you can win! CONTEST below!

"Pandora's Box"
Book 1 in ROAD TO HELL series
(Must be read before reading other books in the series -- you will be confused otherwise)
Where does the road to Hell begin?

 What happens when your son turns homicidal overnight and your husband disappears on his way to work? Do you cower in fear or fight for your life? Madison Wescott fights against the odds. Distrustful of a God she doesn’t believe in, she finds herself face-to-face with a world she didn’t know existed and discovers her own soul is darkened with demonic connections.

With good intentions? Or by demonic design?

Phoenix Birmingham bursts into Madison’s life in a whirlwind of sarcasm and sexual appeal. A hero for the masses—and for her jaded heart—but few will ever know the sacrifices he has made or the sacrifices to come. Discovering her entire life has been influenced by multifaceted paranormal beings, Madison is determined to defeat the apocalyptic blueprint fate has decreed, but only one man dares to challenge the supernatural forces manipulating them. Even with Phoenix’s aid, can destiny be denied? Or will demonic design prevail while they pay the crucial price with their souls? 

In a small, sleepy Alabama town the battle for mankind’s liberty has begun...

Pandora’s Box Excerpt:

“May I?” He held up the medical supplies.
She nodded and watched as he doused gauze with antiseptic. “Dr. Nix at your service,” he said with a grin, two adorable dimples charming her where words failed.
Madison rolled her eyes, and tipped her head to the side to give him better access. He brushed her hair off her neck, back behind her shoulder. Such a simple gesture, yet it felt terribly personal. The air grew thick and sticky with her awareness of him. She shifted in her seat and crossed her legs.
Madison stared into his eyes. Green, she thought, his eyes were green, gorgeous and intense, with ridiculously long eyelashes women would fantasize about. If they didn’t, they should. A flicker of compassion, concern, and something else she couldn’t identify flashed in his eyes.
“Ready?” he asked.
The husky tenor of his voice forced her gaze to shift to his mouth. Nice, sexy lips, designed for kissing. She gave a mental shake but couldn’t resist wondering how his mouth would feel on hers.
“Madison?” Humor deepened his voice, a touch of a smile tilted the edges of the lips she’d been fantasizing about, and she realized she still stared at them. “You ready?” he asked again, and her eyes widened in embarrassment over her foolish stupor.
She swallowed hard. “Yeah.” She whispered past the lump in her throat and forced her vision to lock on the wall over his shoulder. Good God, what was wrong with her? Her pulse throbbed like crazy, and she felt woozy. Loss of blood! Must be why she reacted that way. No other explanation made sense.
Even though the antiseptic stung like hell, the gentle touch coming from such a gruff man surprised her. “It’s not bad,” he said, dabbing the blood away. “Just a nick.”
Well, she could nix the blood loss theory. Exhaustion and stress were the only other excuses she could come up with. “I’ve suffered worse.” Her voice sounded off, kind of hoarse. She tried to clear her throat delicately, but he must have noticed her unease, because his perceptive eyes met hers. Again, she thought she caught the edge of concern reflected in their green depths.
“This isn’t the first time he’s attacked you?”
“No. It’s the first time he’s tried to seriously kill me, though.” She sighed as she closed her eyes, ready to give up fighting, the sudden tears threatening to fall. Okay, woozy and acting strange because of strain…not because of him. Seriously, as far as first impressions went, she wasn’t impressed.


---> HERE <--- 
to enter the Rafflecopter contest!

Tell me what do you want for Christmas
For the fourth year in a row--or is it the fifth year--I've asked Santa to bring me Dean Winchester. So far he hasn't been under my tree or hanging out under mistletoe on Christmas morning. Baaaad Santa! I keep holding out hope that Jolly Ole' Saint Nick will eventually come through for me! ;-)


  1. Thanks for the awesome post! I know what you mean about not getting what you want for Christmas. For some reason, I still haven't gotten Daniel Craig. Getting a little miffed at Santa here! So this year I think I will ask for some Nerf Bars for my Jeep.

    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  2. Loved reading your post. Yes Santa never listens to me either, so this year just asking for a watch!
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  3. Books, Books and more books, lol. Didn't realize you were on the blog hop now I really want to win the books. Having fun and have found a few more new authors on this. Thanks for participating.

  4. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!! I would love love love to have a laptop for christmas!! It has been on my wishlist for many years, so please santa, bring me one!!

  5. I want a new laptop for Christmas.
    My 10 year old desktop's power supply's fan didn't sound right this week but thankfully I found another power supply.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  6. I too want Dean Winchester! I guess we'll have to have a time share of him. Other than that I'm in desperate need of a new laptop!

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  7. There are so many things I could ask for for Christmas, but this year I would love for my hubby and kids to actually surprise me. It seems every year I know what I am getting before Christmas gets here. Not much fun there. LOL

  8. Books or money to buy books! LOL

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  9. I haven't decided just yet. I might be on the naughty list :O

  10. For Christmas I want a wealthy, sexy Dom. If that is not possible, I would love a new laptop (one of the Chrome ones would be great). I am not holding my breath for either though this year :(
    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

  11. Dean Winchester sounds like a pretty good Christmas present to me! But we bought furniture for our Christmas already.


  12. I keep asking Santa for a magical island full of sexy men that appear only when I want them to and an endless supply of books, but I guess he thinks I'm being greedy, so I'll take a bunch of Amazon gift cards. I can't buy the men but I can buy all the books I want!


  13. Awesome giveaway and blog hop. Great way to add some new authors to my reading list. Enjoyed the excerpt. Lol I always ask for a gift certificate for books.

    shellya121 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  14. Hmm, I am getting high hopes this year, I want either an espresso machine or an ereader. I'm think the espresso may be more important for my sanity though ;).

    dmr8888 at yahoo dot com
