
Monday, August 27, 2012

The Book Waitress Tour ~ Deena Remiel

The Road to Hell series welcomes author, Deena Remiel!!

Please welcome Author Deena Remiel onto the Road to Hell. Deena is the author of The Book Waitress, a new and exciting series. Other books written by Deena are The Brethren series, Picture Perfect, Ghost of a Chance (part of the 1NightStand series) and Freedom in Chains.
Now, it’s time to create a little hell and get to the good stuff by revealing all of Deena’s wicked secrets while on the Road to Hell…or at the very least kidnap one of her hawt Brethren angels while she’s not looking! ;-D 

Grab your favorite drink, sink your teeth into something decadent, sit back, relax and enjoy getting to know Deena Remiel…


GRACEN:  Tell me three things about yourself that we cannot find on the Internet or in your bio?

DEENA: 1. I have secretly always wanted to be a ballerina and dance with Mikhail Barishnikov. 2.When I was a little girl, my friends and I used to pretend we were Charlie’s Angels. I was always Sabrina because I had dark brown hair, but I really wanted to be one of the blondes. 3. I would love to take Ballroom dancing lessons.

GRACEN: What hobbies and interests do you participate in when you’re not writing? Or is there any organization that is near and dear to your heart that you’d like to tell us about?

DEENA: I love photography and enjoy taking pictures of my daughters, unusual cloud formations, and nature. As far as organizations go, I would love people to know about Million Kids. They help victims of human trafficking regain their lives again after being rescued. 

GRACEN: Do you have any writing quirks or certain things you MUST have or do before beginning the writing process or during the writing process?

DEENA: I sure do! I must go through my email and clear it out. I go to my social media sites and make sure all messages and posts are taken care of, and then I go dark. I bring with me peanut m&m’s, iced tea, and headphones if I want to listen to music.

GRACEN: If you were plotting to take over the world, how would you do it?

DEENA: LOL First, I would consult Brain, from Pinky and the Brain. No, no, only joking! I’d consult Morgan Freeman, because he is the closest thing to God we have on earth, and I think he’d know how to do it.

GRACEN: I adore Morgan Freeman! If you could make one statement that the entire planet would hear and remember, what would it be?

DEENA: Nothing worth everything comes without a price.

GRACEN:  What genre do you write and why that genre?

DEENA: I write urban fantasy and paranormal romance. I love these genres for a few reasons. I love creating alternate worlds with immortal and supernatural beings. I’ve always been fascinated by stories of Good versus Evil, so it was only natural that I focus my energies in that direction. I love writing with an evil, creepy voice as well as a romantic one, so I’m happy PNR exists. Nothing appeals to me more than seeing the Good, reach deep within  themselves to survive no matter what Evil throws at them.

GRACEN: Those are all the same reasons I love to write PNR, as well. I love reading it, too! For those who are not yet familiar with your books, can you please give us some details about the book and/or series?

DEENA: I’ve created another urban fantasy series! The Book Waitress is the series title and the title of the first book. Imagine if you will, a portal to Hell has been opened in the well behind the library Camille works in. Derek, an investigative reporter, and she will be teaming up to find a way to close it and get rid of the beasties and demons that have already crossed over. There are creepy villains, ghastly monsters, Satan, and in the midst of the chaos… love.

GRACEN:  Do you have any new stories in the works and can you tell us a bit about it/them?

DEENA: I am actively working on the next two books in the Book Waitress series. I also will have Elixxir, 3rd book in the Brethren series releasing in a few months.

GRACEN: If you could describe your writing with one word or brief phrase, what would it be? Please delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they’ve finished reading your story.

DEENA: To sum up my writing style… organic. What I’d like readers to take away from reading my stories is that no matter how much Evil tries to insinuate itself into our lives, Good shall ultimately prevail.

GRACEN: What, in your opinion, makes your story unique and what makes it stand out from other stories in your genre? Think of this as a pitch to convince readers to pick up your books.

DEENA: When was the last time you saw your librarian dance with the devil and kick demon butt?

GRACEN: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in the name of research?

DEENA: It’s not too crazy, but I’ve gone on a Jeep tour in Sedona for writing Relic.

GRACEN: Of all your books, which character did you have the most fun creating and why?

DEENA: I loved creating Camille Dutton, from The Book Waitress, the most because her personality is the furthest from who I am. It was truly a Dr. Frankenstein experience. She’s beautiful, quirky, socially awkward, and snarky. The challenge for me was could I bring a leading female character real enough if she has no characteristics of any person I know. I am confident she really lives!

GRACEN: Ha! From what I've read of her, she's just like me! Socially awkward nerd here. *points to self* If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why?

DEENA: I’d want to meet my mangels, my Brethren angels, naturally. Specifically, Nathanael. *Sighs* Something about tortured souls…

GRACEN: Which of your characters would you never want to meet under any circumstance and why?

DEENA: Satan. He scares the crap out of me.

GRACEN:  If you were interviewing yourself, what is the one question you would ask yourself and please give us the answer to that question?

DEENA: Q: So how do you keep that gorgeous figure of yours looking so good? A: I work hard at eating the right foods, such as ice cream and potato chips. I also make sure I walk back and forth from the couch to the fridge.

Okay, so maybe Camille has a bit of my snark… :P

GRACEN:  Thanks so much for joining us, Deena!  It’s always a treat to help you gather new minions for your books!

DEENA: Thank you so much, Gracen, for being my buddy in crime and the darker side of romance!

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Where you can find Deena on the web:


Camille Dutton learned early in life Satan was not to be trifled with. Escaping his evil clutches as a child, he's come back with a vengeance for her now.

Derek Galloway's inquisitive nature has led him to be an award-winning investigative reporter and straight into the path of pure evil.

When a child vanishes from a sleepy island town, Camille, its subdued librarian, becomes embroiled in Derek's investigation. A satanic cult has plans for the child, while Satan has plans for Camille and the rest of the world. Amidst evil of the most supernatural and human kind, Derek and Camille find a shred of light and goodness in the form of their budding relationship.

First in the Book Waitress Series, the portal between Hell and Earth will be torn asunder, and it will take everything Camille and Derek have and then some to close it. Satan won’t go down easy, but nothing worth everything comes without a price.


“Watch your step there, young lady.” A deep, raspy voice broke through Camille Dutton’s frantic mind. “Just up those stairs to the upper deck. It’ll be about eight minutes to the island once we shove off. Enjoy your trip.”

“Thank you.” Eight minutes? It might as well be eight years! Ignoring the nausea threatening to erupt and drown the ferry before it even left the dock, she smiled graciously. The weather-beaten gentleman, the deckhand, she supposed, nodded at her with a crinkled smile and ushered the next person onboard. With every step she climbed up the steep metal stairs, she repeated a mantra to soothe unsettled nerves.

It’s not forever. It’s not forever. Finding an opening at the bow of the ferry, she took up temporary residence against the railing, and dropped the heavily laden backpack from her shoulder to the deck. The churning clouds mirrored her dark mood and hovered dangerously low over the expanse of water. Eight minutes of deep, dark wetness would now separate her from the life Camille had known for twenty-four years. She’d never been further than eighty miles from her home. She didn’t need to travel far; not when she had thousands of books at her disposal to take her wherever she wanted to go.

Her involuntary transfer to the Shelter Island Library, or forced exile as she preferred to call it, would last only as long as it took to find a permanent librarian. Her boss had promised, and she vowed to hold him to it. With her parents’ recently passed, she longed to stay in the house where they’d infused her life with cherished moments. This upheaval at work made their absence all the more painful to bear.

Shelter Island seemed the antithesis of its name. Camille had been lovingly sheltered by her parents and insulated within the comforting walls of her town’s library. She’d read all of the books repeatedly, from cover to cover. Going to this unknown town, living in a strange home, and working at an unfamiliar library left her feeling exposed to more than just the elements. It invited all manner of creature born to lay siege on her well-constructed fortress of solitude.

The ferry’s whistle blew as its engines kicked on and thrust the boat into the Sound. She gasped and closed her eyes, pressing fingers against the cold steel that kept her from jumping ship. A gusty breeze whipped her ponytail into a frenzy of curls that slapped at her neck and cheeks. Eyes smarted and watered as a rush of air assaulted her face. She couldn’t bear to watch as her life receded into the horizon. Looking forward was just as painful, and she pondered what lay ahead.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Leave a valid comment about Deena's interview and you'll be entered to win a Road to Hell series Hellhound rubber bracelet pictured below. FIVE winners will be drawn from the comments. Open to international.


  1. Thanks so much, Gracen, for SERVING UP EVIL and presenting The Book Waitress to the world. :) I love being on the road with you. ;)

  2. I really enjoyed this interview. I honestly never heard of you Deena, but I really LOVE your personality.. So therefore I will most definately be picking up your books! Thanks Gracen for introducing me to Deena and her books!!!

  3. Great interview. Love finding out about authors I like. I was also a huge fan of Mikhail and loved watching him do ballet. Loved him in the movie with Gregory Hines. Also a big fan of Charlie's Angels, I was Jacqulyn Smith's character. Loved watching that show. Thanks for the giveaway. Loved the excerpt and can't wait to read this book.

  4. Loved the interview and cannot wait to check this series out!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  5. You seem like a very entertaining person. Thanks for the giveaway. I am interested to read some of your work.

  6. Hi Gracen, our Mamma Hellhound! GREAT interview! LOVE IT!!!

    HI Deena!

    I have to say I ws LUCKY enough to meet Deena in Chicago at RT Book Lovers Convention! It was so cool! Deena is AMAZING!

    I just bought Book Waitress for my kindle last night so I cant wait to get started on it! I LOVE the name and how you came up with it!!

    Take care ladies!!!!

  7. Can't remember which of Deena's books I have read, and which I have but have not read. Great interview, now I have to go check!

  8. I enjoyed the interview. I have not heard of you Deena, I wish you luck with this new release. This is one of the reasons that I love blog so that I can learn about new authors.

  9. After a full day of teaching 6th graders reading and writing, a meeting, and 2 release parties, I am here to see such LOVELY comments!

    I'm so thrilled that I'm new to some of you, and hope my work pleases you, even if it walks on the dark side. ;)

    I hope to see you on my fan page for The Book Waitress and The Brethren. And I hope to become friends with you as well.

    Thanks so much!

  10. How awesome is it that the joined is a librarian!!!!!!

  11. I love tortured souls too! Love your book cover too!

  12. I loved the interview! It is nice to get to know more about an author! Thank you for the inside peek into Deena! I love her books!

  13. Thanks so much, ladies! I feel like The Brethren and The book Waitress are like brother and sister. HAHAHA

  14. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Great Interview really awesome, wants me want to read the book even more!!!!

  15. I enjoyed reading the interview, they was things I didn't know about Deena, It's really cool that she took a jeep ride in Sedona for Relic !! I like her whole outlook on writing and her characters.

  16. Great interview! This is to me author. The series sounds amazing, can't believe I am just coming across it. Thanks for the chance.

  17. The winners for the Hellhound bracelets were drawn by and are:

    Crystal Trent Dotson

    Some of you I have as friends on Facebook, so I'll notify you through FB. Anyone I don't have as a friend on Facebook, you have 48 hours to contact me by email with your mailing address. After 48 hours, I'll draw a new winner.

    Congrats to the winners!!

