
Friday, August 3, 2012

Dark Mind Book Tours Gianna Perada

Please welcome Author Gianna Perada onto the Road to Hell. Gianna is the author of Blood Life. A second book, Devendra, is in progress and slated for release later this year.

Now, it’s time to create a little hell and get to the good stuff by revealing all of Gianna’s wicked secrets while on the Road to Hell. LOL Yeah, you wish! ;-D 

Grab your favorite drink, sink your teeth into something decadent, sit back, relax and enjoy getting to know Gianna Perada…

(click photo to be taken to Dark Mind Book Tours)

GRACEN:  Tell me three things about yourself that we cannot find on the internet or in your bio?

Gianna: I’m a coffee snob, a food snob, and completely wild at heart.

GRACEN: What hobbies and interests do you participate in when you’re not writing?

Gianna: Exercising, reading, cooking (vegan/vegetarian), learning new things, making trouble, and speaking my mind (whether people like it or not).

GRACEN: Do you have any writing quirks or certain things you MUST have or do before beginning the writing process?

Gianna: Nag champa incense! It puts me in that mystical mood. And good music like Conjure One.  I’m really addicted to them right now. Perfect writing music. Perfect everything music, actually.

GRACEN: If you were plotting to take over the world, how would you do it?

Gianna: With a silver goddess candle and some sage. Those were the first things to come to mind. Not sure exactly what I’d do with them, but I’ll go with it.  haha

GRACEN: If you could make one statement that the entire planet would hear and remember, what would it be?

Gianna: I just saw this the other day and loved it: “I am a woman. I am not a princess. I have emotions, opinions, a temper, a VERY loud voice, and one HELL of a right hook.”  ;-)

GRACEN: What genre do you write and why that genre?

Gianna: I write horror because I love it! I adore everything scary and paranormal and edgy and gritty.

GRACEN: For those who are not yet familiar with Gianna Perada, can you please give us some details about the book and/or series?

Gianna: My debut novel, Blood Life, is a vampire and witch story of love, fate, redemption, chaos, and heartbreak. My vampires are predators. Humans are killed to sustain them, but the main story centers around the relationships of the witches, the vampires, and the combination of the two: The Combined.

GRACEN:  Do you have any new stories in the works and can you tell us a bit about it/them?

Gianna: A second book is underway currently, and I hope to have it ready for release around Halloween.  It is actually a prequel.  When I finished writing Blood Life, one of the characters demanded I tell her story, and I really had to go backwards to do that. There is also a sequel planned for sometime mid-2013.

GRACEN: If you could describe your writing with one word or brief phrase, what would it be? Please delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they’ve finished reading your story.

Gianna: Daring. Impressionable. Intriguing.  Something that really made them think and got under their skin.

GRACEN: What, in your opinion, makes your story unique and what makes it stand out from other stories in your genre? Think of this as a pitch to convince readers to pick up your books.
Gianna: I feel the fact that my vampires and witches combine to form a race sets it apart from the rest. Also that I’m bringing them back around as the PREDATOR and not just the alluring lovable immortal creature. I also wasn’t afraid to let it get really dark at times, almost uncomfortable for some.  I’m okay with that.

GRACEN: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in the name of research?

Gianna: So far nothing! But plans for future books dictate that I will be going there very soon. I’ll keep you posted for future tours so you can ask me this question again.  hehe

GRACEN: Of all your books, which character did you have the most fun creating and why?

Gianna:  By far, my favorite is my inner witch and most demanding muse, Devendra.  She is such a huge part of me and has been since I can remember.  She has so many layers and has been with me through so many things that she’s become sort of a best friend of all the characters.

GRACEN: If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why?

Gianna: Devendra.  Same reasons as above.  She’s the bomb. Really.

GRACEN: Which of your characters would you never want to meet under any circumstance and why?

Gianna: Lorien. She’s a bitch and a hater. One of the types of girls you want to strangle for every reason in the book.  Yeah, that’s her.  You’ll get to know her much better in the third book, but you do get a taste of her in Blood Life.

GRACEN:  If you were interviewing yourself, what is the one question you would ask yourself and please give us the answer to that question?

Gianna: Name five things that have the ability to cheer you up when you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders.

1)     Horseback riding bareback through the woods
2)    Scary movies with good company that gets just as excited watching them as I do
3)    Begin swept off my feet for no reason at all by a man of my dreams
4)    A long string of good luck without bad sneaking in and effing everything up
5)    Writing to my heart’s content without worry… forever

GRACEN:  Thanks so much for joining us, Gianna!  It’s been a treat getting to know you better! 

Buy Link:

BLURB:  Blood Life is a vampire/witch thriller full of blood, magic, love, violence, and sex. The witches and vampires of the fictional world of the Spectrum have united and created a race of half-breeds called the Combined. These are very powerful entities, but their race has been threatened by a rogue vampire with very old, powerful blood named Lokee, son of the Great Witch, Devendra. This story is about letting Fate play out, but in all its turmoil, trying to save one woman who will be the key to saving the Combined.


First time every posted online—hot sex scene between Roman and Alexandria (who was a virgin):

The cottage doors squeaked open as though fighting not to fall off their hinges. Floorboards bowed in response to each of Roman’s steps as he carried Alexandria over to his cot. He delicately laid her beneath him, careful not to crush her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his weight pinning her down to the mattress.
Gently, Roman moved his hands down between her legs, rubbing and cupping her privates with his palm. She moaned as excitement crept over her. He pressed himself between her tense legs, lightly pushing at her thigh with his erection. Her garments trembled, waiting to slip off.
Concentrating on the passion of each button undone, Roman shed the first layer: her ruffled blouse. Alexandria opened her eyes, looking up into Roman’s flushed face. Hesitantly, unsure of what to do, she assisted him. Slowly relinquishing each chaste, protected layer, they breathed chants into each other’s ears.
Roman cradled her against his chest as he separated her. She writhed, yowling as her hymen burst, trickling blood down her inner thighs. Roman, keeping a slow, ginger probing, wiped the wet hair from her clammy face. He whispered reassurances, removing himself from her warmth to ease the pain.
He moved down to where her hands clutched herself and gently lifted them free. Her soft down, matted with blood and her own juices, was swollen red and angry. He blew on her, then licked softly at the throbbing flesh. She groaned as confusing sensations flooded over her from tingling to aches. She reached down to his hair, pulling and forcing his mouth over her.
He slid his tongue inside of her. The sweetness of her juice mixed with the coppery taste of blood sent him into oblivion. Lust blossomed into mania; he wanted to tear her open whatever the cost. He needed her warmth. She rocked her hips spastically, a little embarrassed by her pleasure.
Roman looked up into her face, sweat-drenched and flushed, then crept on top of her again. She reached down and led him back inside of her like an expert, feeling the bulk of pain subside and pleasure wiggle its way in. Her limbs tensed as he kept a steady rock, bringing his sex in and out of her. An orgasm rushed through her. She moaned with pleasure, biting him on the shoulder.
He felt himself building; the moment was nearing where he would release his semen into her womb, praying not to create a baby, but to fill her with his essence. She groped his back, rocking with him, legs wrapped firmly, intertwining with his. She felt another orgasm surfacing, stronger than the last. Her moans grew louder, full of more madness. Roman reached his climax, exploding into her.
For Alexandria, the night spent together symbolized not only her permanent loss of virginity or virtue, but also a division from all that she had ever known: her Royal upbringing.
Undisturbed by losing something that never meant anything to her, she vowed herself to Roman.



  1. Gianna -

    I've been following you (stalking) through the Dark Mind Book Tour every since I read the excerpt to your book. Call me a little kooky, but there's something about this storyline that feels like déjà vu to me (minus the paranormal part). Most times I don't feel a huge connection to a book. It may intrigue me, but that's about it. This book speaks to me!
    I'm so grateful you joined the book tour because I've enjoyed reading the excerpt, the bloggers reviews and the interviews by you (some have been funny). :) Thanks for giving me a glimpse into your book and your personal life.


  2. Hi Sherri!

    Thank you so much for your kind words. They really made my day. =)

    I hope you win the free copy and get a chance to read the book -- please keep in touch and let me know how you like it.


    P.S. I found out I really love being interviewed. And I'm ALWAYS 100% candid and honest in my answers. Maybe a bit too much. hehe

  3. Thank you for answering a bunch of questions I always have for writers without me having to ask them. Also thanks for the introduction to Conjure One I'm loving that right now.

  4. You're welcome, Dusty! I can't get enough of Conjure One. I'm glad you like them, too. =)

  5. I have never heard of you, but reading your book it sounds amazing! The cover looks wicked cool. I have written your book down to read.

  6. can't wait to read this book! Thanks for giveaway & have a great day <3

  7. Gianna,

    I completely agree with Autumn, the book cover IS wicked cool. I love it!

    I am promoting this like crazy for the next two days of the contest, trying to get this post and your name/book out there.

    All the best of success on this book and your future ones.


  8. Leaving a comment! :) Great giveaway! Super excited!

  9. Gracen,

    Thank you so much for hosting Blood Life and for all the great support! It is so appreciated. =)

