
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Children of Nox series by Joann H. Buchanan

Please welcome Author Joann H. Buchanan onto the Road to Hell. Joann H. Buchanan is the author of The Kiss, book 2 in The Children of Nox series . Other books written by Joann H. Buchanan are  Soulless Light, I AM WOLF, book 1 of the Children of Nox series.

Now, it’s time to create a little hell and get to the good stuff by revealing all of Joann’s wicked secrets while on the Road to Hell. LOL  Yeah, you wish! ;-D 

Grab your favorite drink, sink your teeth into something decadent, sit back, relax and enjoy getting to know Joann H. Buchanan…

GRACEN:  Tell me three things about yourself that we cannot find on the internet or in your bio?

JOANN: I love flip flops.
I love the summer.
I enjoy playing in the rain.

GRACEN: What hobbies and interests do you participate in when you’re not writing?

JOANN: I mix music together for no apparent reason at all. I like to play around with different sounds and see what I can come up with.

I also love to swim. I have been swimming since I was a teenager. I still love it and I have been using it to get back into shape.

GRACEN: Do you have any writing quirks or certain things you MUST have or do before beginning the writing process?

JOANN:  I have to have a cool list of music and my coffee when I write. It’s sort of like enticing the muse inside me to come out and play.

GRACEN: If you were plotting to take over the world, how would you do it?

JOANN: I would take over all the banks. I mean the entire world is ran from the banking system. Then I would throw the key away and tell people to live without money and see what happens. Most people don’t think the world could revolve without money. The truth is that it did at one time. Of course that was centuries ago. I think if that was set aside, people would take a look at their value in a different light. WE all have gifts we never use or tap into. What would happen if we all used them for the betterment of man as opposed to the lining of the pocket?

GRACEN: If you could make one statement that the entire planet would hear and remember, what would it be?

JOANN: Be yourself and never forget to give back, because you never know who you will be helping and what that might inspire.

GRACENWhat genre do you write and why that genre?

JOANN:  I sort of write a combination of genres. Science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal, romance. I don’t like being stuck in one single genre. I think it’s important to stretch out and let the imagination flow.

GRACEN: For those who are not yet familiar with Joann H. Buchanan, can you please give us some details about the book and/or series?

JOANN: The series is called The Children of Nox. The first book in the series is called, I AM WOLF.


Angel, hero, monster, devil--we all become what we really are. I Am Wolf --The journey of a boy about to become a man who inherits his ancestors gift and must learn the right way to use it. He falls in love with Alaynee and begins to feel like he is normal again. When their world is shattered by the kidnapping of Alaynee's little brother, Jonah breaks the cardinal rule of his gift and bites the kidnapper, creating a creature called the unnatural. This sends him and all his friends on an adventure across the states to a place in Tennessee. There they find not only must they stop the unnatural creature, but they must save Cara--the girl the creature is after. Jonah must ask himself the most important question of all, would you sacrifice yourself to save another

GRACEN:  Do you have any new stories in the works and can you tell us a bit about it/them?

JOANN: I’m working on a fantasy called Dragon’s Eye. It’s about a forbidden love and a curse. That’s about all I can’ say at this time about it.

GRACEN: If you could describe your writing with one word or brief phrase, what would it be? Please delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they’ve finished reading your story.

JOANN: Poetry in motion.
GRACEN: What, in your opinion, makes your story unique and what makes it stand out from other stories in your genre? Think of this as a pitch to convince readers to pick up your books.

So many movies and books out there have a kiss break a spell or show the characters fall in love. Mine is the opposite. Can a kiss really trap a soul?

GRACEN: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in the name of research?

JOANN: At this point in time, I have only read for my research. I haven’t had a chance to really research anything.

GRACEN: Of all your books, which character did you have the most fun creating and why?

JOANN: I gotta go with the villains. They are so much fun to write because they have no real moral compass. 

GRACEN: If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why?

JOANN: I would like to meet Cleo so I could slap her and tell her to wake up. I’d also like to meet Monkey King, just because he is always a fun one to write. I would imagine he has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh.

GRACEN: Which of your characters would you never want to meet under any circumstance and why?

JOANN: Ralph from I AM WOLF, because crazy is real. Ash from The Kiss,  because I would never want to mess with a demon.

GRACEN:  If you were interviewing yourself, what is the one question you would ask yourself and please give us the answer to that question?

JOANN: What were you thinking when you decided to write for the entire world to read?
Hell if I know but it sure has been one helluva ride. 

GRACEN:  Thanks so much for joining us, Joann H. Buchanan!  It’s been a treat getting to know you better! 

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Twitter @JoannHBuchanan


When you've been touched by the darkness, it leaves a mark on your soul.

Jonah and Alaynee are happily putting the past behind them. They're planning a wedding and moving forward. Great news is waiting for them and the youngling pack. 

When Cathy, Alaynee's mom, finds a stranded girl in the city and brings her back. Alaynee soon discovers there's more to her then meets the eye. Cleo is a lioness whose powers over men will haunt Alaynee in more ways then one. Will Jonah and Alaynee be able to plan their happily ever after or will the evil that resides have it's way?

EXCERPT: (any heat level as this is an 18+ site)

Through dragon’s fire made of ice, I change. I close my eyes to hear the stars whisper in my ear, though nothing is revealed. Torn between a past I don’t understand and a present I can’t escape, oh how my heart cries out please ancestors do not choose me.
It is a single kiss that fills my dreams and haunts me in every waking hour. A kiss filled with hell’s fire burns within me—a kiss. Invisible breezes rush past me on the cliff of my own demise where I feel my heart aching for the manifestation of something, someone that doesn’t exist. A kiss.
The cave calls to me, beckons me to enter just beyond the white thorn bush. There just ahead, past the fog travels a sound from a flute. I can see him, the clown that is. He waves to me every night and points the way. A kiss.
I wait for you my shadow man—the entity of my dreams. You are the soul that touches me. The past is gone…the present soon to dawn, and now I see the fabrics woven in the tapestries. It is a kiss I wait to give you. A kiss of freedom—a kiss from yesterday—a kiss that shreds the past and carries us into the future. A kiss. Just as my dreams of seeing you are about to come alive—I wake.


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