
Friday, July 20, 2012

Name Contest

Want to see your name in a book? Here's  your chance! Follow the rules below and the rafflecopter and you're entered to win! It's that simple. The more times you tweet and Facebook, the more chances you'll have to be entered! 

Contest rules:
1. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
2. By entering this contest, you admit you are 18 years of age or older.
3. Photo must remain your profile picture throughout the contest. If you remove the photo at anytime prior to the end of the contest, you acknowledge you will be disqualified from the contest.
4. You must place one of the photos as your Facebook or Twitter profile picture and provide me with the link.
5. Contest is open to international residents.
6. If you're participating in the other contest I have running (THIS ONE), one of those buttons will suffice as your entry if you prefer to keep it. Just as long as your profile button is related to the Road to Hell series, I will count it as a valid submission.

Photos to pick from or use one from HERE and use as your profile picture:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. How would I end Genesis Queen?

    Madison and Nix would live happily ever after once Nix finally gave in to his bad boy side and stayed with it. After all, the Queen of Hell can't be with a good boy *evil grins*.

    As far as Micah goes, he would realize that Sassy is the girl for him and he will part ways with Madison as friends. He is, after all, Amos' dad.

    Well you DID ask ME how I would end the book. NOt how you would end it!!

    Great contest GC!!!!

  2. I would end the book with a happy ever after for Nix and Madison. I have a picture in my head of them having wild, passionate, monkey sex all over the place. Then have Micah watching in the back ground, jealous and getting off on it!!

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway Gracen!! Love & Huggles

  3. So I am feeling a bit crazy today......I would end it with Madison deciding she needed both Nix and Micah in her life and convincing them both to agree to share her (you know, like in the movie She would have her occasional visits to hell because after all she is the Queen and has to make sure things are running smoothly and both Micah and Elias are not getting out of hand!! The rest of the time she would spend with Nix! Or hell, maybe they all three get together sometimes!! :)

    Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway Gracen! Love ya & huggles!!

  4. I would have Nix and Madison live happily ever after...without any interference from Micah, of course!
    Micah would realize he doesn't necessarily have to be an evil bastard, and he would find a woman (NOT Madison) for himself. Nix and Micah would find a way to at least coexist without killing each other.

  5. Tawnya - you know you would love to see her share both Nix & Micah!!! lol :)

  6. Joella, I saw that at Christmas! It was hot, but not something I'd want to happen on a regular basis. Micah needs his own woman.

  7. Wow hard to pick a good ending especially since I know about Micah and I don't hate him as much lol.

    I would say it should have an ending with Madison and Nix finally coming together as a couple. And having Nix as the good guy to even out Madison's Queen of Hell side. They have wild passionate sex that all us women dream about and maybe have a baby or something?

    I would also have Micah find the girl of his dreams so that way he can leave Madison to live in peace without causing her distress.

    I know it may not be the best ending but of course I am not good with writing an ending lol.

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway Gracen!

  8. Hi Gracen **waves**

    I'd have Micah die. We know there is a soft spot in Madison's heart for him, but she will never be happy if he's around. Though it may be the hardest thing she will EVER do and it will haunt her...Micah has to go. Maybe he kills Madison's long lost half sister(and witch)Stacey (turns out Madison's Dad wasn't the pillar of piousness he claimed to be and shagged a witch or maybe Madison's mom shagged a warlock somewhere...we know she couldn't be faithful LOL) and Madison flips out! She needed Stacey's help and BAM! Micah kills her.

    LOL This was FUN!

    Thanks, Gracen <3
    Stacey Jo

  9. I haven't read this series yet but I plan too. ~Ashley~

  10. I would want Madison and Nix to have their HEA...But whatever you decide I will love! <3 Great contest, Gracen!!!!

  11. I think Micah should fall in love with someone that makes him forget Madison and everything else. I want him to be happy and for him to truly love someone that he would do anything to save if she was ever in any danger.

    I would like to see Madison happy with Nix but I want here to feel strange at first with seeing Micah so in love with someone else but at the same time be happy for him because he has found someone to love as much as she love Nix

    my guess I an ending

  12. I want to see Madison & her son happy @ the end :)

  13. I want to see Madison with nix but she needs to pick who makes her and her son happy no matter what.

  14. I would definitely love to have Genesis Queen end with Micah, Madison, and Amos ruling the world *shifty eyes* It'd be nice to see all of Micah's hard work has paid off. And! Madison would be good with it. Not forced or anything like that, it'd be her choice. *nods*

  15. Genesis Queen should end with Nix and Madison happy together. Micah would find his soulmate and there would be a truce between them all. Mads and Nix would have to return to hell on occasion but with no problems leaving.
    How ever you write this book I will be estatic but at the same time, sad that it will be ending. Thank you Gracen! YOU ROCK!!!

  16. Well...the drama queen in me would end it with HFN. I'd probably kill off Madison (shame on me!!). Micah and Nix would protect and raise Amos, cuz the sherlock would want to kill them for soma dramatic reason... Amos would be king later, but not an evil one, maybe a a way between Micah an Nix... and he would get his own book one day. Since Zen will get his book, I don't have a plan for him, but he would go back to try to keep the balance and find his woman ;)

  17. sherlocks* excluding of course, Nix's family.

  18. The ending for Genesis Queen if I was the writer... Hmmmm....
    Well, I would want to make sure Madison was happy...I mean, she is the heroine by the way... And she has two great guys wanting to be with her., so why not let her have both??? They make a great team and together can conquer anything...

  19. Madison would be super happy because even thought she is the Queen of Hell she has the bad boy Nix by her side. And they would live happily ever after, forgetting about Micah who would be with someone else... but not Madison as she loves Nix. And Madison and Nix would rule hell together happy as two bugs in a rug.

    Thank you for the contest :)

  20. I would end it with Madison realizing that she has both good and evil within her and that she needs both Nix and Micah in her life. She and Nix would learn to balance the good and evil within and Micah would manage to not be all evil all the time so Madison would let him be part of her life. She would still visit Hell occasionally because she is queen, but she'd live with Nix and Amos, leading a (mostly) normal life as a sherlock.

    Great contest!! Thank you!

  21. I love all the guys,but I'd have to end it with Madison being with Nix And having some serious Throw me ageist the wall hot sex!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Both would be bound and need to rescue the other

  24. Well I'd have Nix and Madison not too Happily ever after, but still together. Micah and Madison would get together for Amos's things, like Birthdays and sports I also see a baby in the future for Madison and Nix. It'd be fun though to see if it was Nix's or Micah's because they had one last hoorah before parting ways. I love the books and it would be awesome for a spin off, maybe about Amos or something. Thanks.

  25. I would have Mads and Nix together at the end- with Micah giving his life as his final farewell so that things work for Madison (and leaving an opening for him to possibly come back as a spirit in a spin off of his own). But maybe I'm just twisted LOL

  26. How about a not happy ending

  27. I like Lee's idea about it not ending but if it does make Madison Queen over Heaven and Hell and she could have Nix in Heaven and Micah in Hell. It solves all the problems.

    brandyzbooks at gmail dot com

  28. I have not read the series, however, if you want to end it with a bang. Kill off a main character.

  29. I would never try to write the ending to the road to hell series but I can't wait to get my hands on it.

  30. Cant help but say say this series is fresh as a hot loaf of bread.

  31. I have yet to read this series but am very eager to own and get to reading. Thank you for this contest as it is a very fun way to get to know people and I'm all about fun :-)
