
Friday, July 13, 2012

Fractured Light: Dark Mind Blog Tour

The Road to Hell series welcomes author Rachel McClellan

Please welcome Author Rachel McClellan onto the Road to Hell. Rachel McClellan is the author of Fractured Light. Other books written by Rachel McClellan are Fractured Soul and Confessions of a Cereal Mother, both of which will be released next year.

Now, it’s time to create a little hell and get to the good stuff by revealing all of Rachel’s wicked secrets while on the Road to Hell. LOL  Yeah, you wish! ;-D 

Grab your favorite drink, sink your teeth into something decadent, sit back, relax and enjoy getting to know Rachel.


GRACEN:  Tell me three things about yourself that we cannot find on the internet or in your bio?

Rachel: 1. The first boy I ever kissed is currently in jail for murdering his cell mate for snoring too loudly. 2. I was once pushed out of an airplane at 15,000 feet. Luckily I had on a parachute. 3. I once played McBeth (that’s right, the dude part) in my high school play, McBeth.

GRACEN: What hobbies and interests do you participate in when you’re not writing?

Rachel: I love to play volleyball and racquetball. And snowboard. I also love to make hand-dipped chocolates. It’s like making edible art, which, let’s face it, is really the best kind of art.

GRACEN: Do you have any writing quirks or certain things you MUST have or do before beginning the writing process?

Rachel: I have to have my music, which is usually dark, moody stuff. Other than that, I can write anywhere.

GRACEN: If you were plotting to take over the world, how would you do it?

Rachel: I would first start by buying up several islands, the ones I wouldn’t ever want to visit. Then I’d raise my Samurai army from the dead and command them to round up all the lame people. You know, the ones who don’t like shows like The Walking Dead, Supernatural, etc.
I kidding! I tease! Honestly, I would never want to rule the world. Too much work.

GRACEN: If you could make one statement that the entire planet would hear and remember, what would it be?

Rachel: It’s not much different from what I tell my children every day – “Life is not fair. Get over it.”

GRACENWhat genre do you write and why that genre?

Rachel: I love the urban fantasy, paranormal, and horror genre because anything can happen, and I love the rush from being scared. Fear is a powerful emotion and for some reason, I love to exploit it. J

GRACEN: For those who are not yet familiar with Fractured Light, can you please give us some details about the book and/or series?

Rachel: Sure! It’s a YA paranormal book about a teenage girl, Llona Reese, who is an Aura, which means she has the ability to manipulate light. Her kind are taught to respect Light and its powers, but most importantly she’s taught that Light should never be used as a weapon. And then her life is threatened by the same “man” who killed her mother. She learns to use her Light in ways no one thought possible, but her actions come with consequences.

Book two, FRACTURED SOUL, is based at Lucent Academy, a school for Auras. Because of what happened in the end of book one, Llona will have some serious internal issues going on. She’ll also uncover some secrets at Lucent that will threaten Auras whole existence. And the final in the series, FRACTURED TRUTH, will wrap it all up with a shocking revelation.

GRACEN:  Do you have any new stories in the works and can you tell us a bit about it/them?

Rachel: Next year, in addition to the sequel to Fractured Light, my publisher will release my humorous memoir titled CONFESSIONS OF A CEREAL MOTHER. I’m also getting ready to query a paranormal/horror novel called UNLEASHED. It’s sort of a YA version of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. I really like this one.

GRACEN: If you could describe your writing with one word or brief phrase, what would it be? Please delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they’ve finished reading your story.

Rachel: I would describe my writing as dark and moody, mingled with humor. I hope when readers finish Fractured Light they feel empowered, like they can conquer the world.

GRACEN: What, in your opinion, makes your story unique and what makes it stand out from other stories in your genre? Think of this as a pitch to convince readers to pick up your books.

Rachel: I feel my story is unique because of Llona and her ability to use light. Also, Llona is not your typical YA character who needs a guy to save her. She is quite capable on her own. It’s my motto that girls should want a guy around, not need one. Women are extremely powerful if they believe in themselves.

GRACEN: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in the name of research?

Rachel: To get in the mood for a couple of my projects, I’ve written inside a cemetery. I hope the atmosphere can be felt in my works.  

GRACEN: Of all your books, which character did you have the most fun creating and why?

Rachel: Gage in my book UNLEASHED. His comparable is Mr. Hyde. Maybe I’m twisted but it was a lot of fun creating a man without a conscience who does exactly what he wants to do.

GRACEN: If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why?

Rachel: I’ve always wanted to learn how to fight, so I’d want to meet Christian. With his shirt off.

GRACEN: Which of your characters would you never want to meet under any circumstance and why?

Rachel: The character that’s not discussed a lot in Fractured Light, the Shadow. He plays a much bigger role than anyone realizes (in the first book at least), and I would never want to meet him. He has zero emotions, which makes for a very dangerous monster.

GRACEN:  If you were interviewing yourself, what is the one question you would ask yourself and please give us the answer to that question?  "If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?"

Rachel: Superman. He can pretty much do it all.

GRACEN:  Thanks so much for joining us, Rachel!  It’s been a treat getting to know you better! 

Twitter: @RachelMcClellan
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To purchase Fractured Light, visit a bookstore near you, or purchase the hard copy or eBook on Amazon: or Barnes and Noble:

BLURB: Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After the Vykens killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. But she never felt ready to face them---until now. Defying the Auran Council and everything she's been taught, Llona must learn to use her power over light as a weapon if she wants to survive.


He took the ends of the necklace, and, after pushing my hair to the side of my neck, fastened it.

“Why did you choose that inscription?” I asked.

His hands moved to my shoulders. “I know I don’t act like it all the time, but you have no idea how much you mean to me.” He swallowed. “I need you to endure, to do all that you can to see that you live a good, long life. I couldn’t bear it if anything were to happen to you.”

I felt his body move close to mine. In one swift motion, I turned around and stared into his eyes. Any thoughts of him thinking I was like a sister were suddenly erased. He was looking at me with such passion that I wondered how he was able to hide it for so long. He leaned his forehead against mine and very slowly his hands moved up to my waist. My lips parted and air escaped.

The sound must’ve startled him because all of a sudden he froze and closed his eyes. His jaw muscles bulged. “I’m going to go set up a game or something,” he said and walked away.

“Can it be Twister?” I called after him.


(click on photo below to be taken to the contest)


  1. Loved the interview! Kind of scary the first boy you kissed murdered his cell mate.
    I love the saying you tell your children. I may need to borrow that to tell my 5 soon to be 6 year old.
    I have never read any of your books, but I am going to start now. The books sound amazing.

  2. Loved the interview it was awesome. I cant wait to read this book. This book sounds so amazing.

  3. Great interview!! Love the idea that you would go so far as to write in the cemetery to set the right mood!! I cannot wait to read your book!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  4. Thank you for the great giveaway! I look forward to getting to know your work ;)

  5. I loved the interview and the blurb thank you for the giveaway

  6. Awesome giveaway! Can't wait to read it. :)
