
Monday, June 25, 2012

Road to Hell Contest

Are you Team MicahTeam Nix OR Team Nixah (both men) fan? Pick one the photos below to show your love and use it as your Facebook or Twitter profile picture. Then follow the rafflecopter entries in order to complete your entry. (NOTE: Photo must remain your profile picture throughout the contest or you will be disqualified). At the end of the contest...whichever Road to Hell guy has the most votes, I'll pick a winner from that group. For example: If Nix receives 3 votes, Micah 2 and Nixah 1, then the ones who voted for Nix will be eligible to win. So, it's to your advantage to recruit others to join the contest and vote with you. But they must also follow the rules of the contest. If YOU recruit someone to participate, I'll give you BOTH an extra 5 entries in the contest...but this is only good if your guy wins the contest. There is an entry for this in the rafflecopter.

If I receive enough NEW participation in this contest, I'll run another immediately following the end of this contest. 

Contest rules:
1. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
2. By entering this contest, you admit you are 18 years of age or older.
3. Photo must remain your profile picture throughout the contest. If you remove the photo at anytime prior to the end of the contest, you acknowledge you will be disqualified from the contest.
4. You must place one of the photos as your Facebook or Twitter profile picture and provide me with the link.
5. If someone participates in the contest because you recruited them, I'll give you BOTH an extra 5 entries into the contest.
6. Contest runs from Monday, June 25th through midnight CST July 25th. Winner will be announced on July 26th.
7. Contest is open to international residents.
8. (added rule) do not get extra entries for stating I recruited you. YOU must recruit someone else. I don't count!!! haha Sneaky and nice try, Hellhounds, but no cookie for that one! ;-) Just so you know, more than one of you attempted this sneak attack. lol

Photos to pick from and use as your profile picture:

Team Nixah options

Team Nix options

Team Micah options

Prizes for this contest are:

Road to Hell Bumper Magnet

Road to Hell Keychain

Gracen Miller made wrap skull ring like pictured below. Winner chooses
size and color of skull (from selection in my stock).

Signed print copy of Madison's Life Lessons

NOTE: If the winner has any of these items already, then we'll negotiate another item in place of the swag above.



  1. This is so AWESOME !!! I been waiting for a contest for a print edition, and of course u know how to spice it up with some hellish fun !!! I'm one Happy Hellhound !!!

  2. Good luck to you on winning, Crystal! Recruit others to join you and you'll get extra entries.


  3. WTH...I have it all but I entered anyway b/c I need the excuse to post my Micah support on my FB profile! WHOOOT WHOOOT!

    I am of to recruit!


  4. Thank you for participating anyway, Mindy! If you win, just give the book away on your blog or to someone you know who you think might like it.


  5. This is one of the best contests EVER!!! I'm already recruiting people for TEAM NIX!

  6. Love the contest... Need to get more on Team Nixah!!!
    Gotta go promote too!!!

  7. Good luck, Tawnya and Kathryn! I'm headed to see which guy or both is in the lead.


  8. Thanks for such a great giveaway Gracen!

  9. Well, I debated for some time, but I sided with Andie. Micah needs more love. I have everything but the ring, but I'd love another copy of MLL's to giveaway. :D
    Good luck everyone! LOVE YOU, MICAH!!!

  10. TEAM NIX!!!!!! Okay I am done, for all you silly Micah fans out there.... pity.... Nix Rocks!

  11. I vote for Micah Its my profile pic on fb Theresa Haywood donbroski Johnson thanks for the giveaway!
