
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Zen Slogan Contest

Micah and Nix both have slogans. (Both of which are posted below in photos.) It's well-past time for the other Road to Hell series hottie to have a slogan. Post your slogan in the comment section for Zennyo Ryuo "Zen". If you have any questions, ask me in the comment section below. You may submit an unlimited number of slogans to the contest. You just cannot repeat the same slogan that another person submitted. Duh, huh? LOL

The winning slogan will receive the RTH logo bumper magnet, photo below. Contest ends on 5/15/12. By entering this contest, you grant permission for me to use the slogan in whatever manner I desire, to include, but not limited to, products for sale, for contests and in any other manner I may choose.

RTH log Bumper Magnet

Nix's slogan #1

Nix's slogan #2

Micah's slogan #1

Micah's slogan #2 (Nix & Zen also have this version, just different art)


  1. Zen~ It's always the quiet deadly ones you have to watch out for.

  2. Zennyo Ryuo-I'm not a genie, dammit! (I was just kidding with that one!)

    Immortally sexy. Immortally Zen.

  3. LMAO Tawnya!!! that is great!!! Zen is not a genie!!! hahahahaah

    Ok to go with the drink about kicking it old school...

    Laid back...sippin some Zen and juice!!!!

  4. Demons are no match for Zen's rainbow balls! ;-)

  5. "Zen...a way of life."

    "Feelin' Zenful?" ;-)

    "Zen can be dragon me around anytime!"

  6. is one:

    The Immortal Zen--the perfect balance between Fire and Ice

  7. One more:

    Zen--he is purely Zensational!!


  8. lol thanks girls! Glad you liked it. ;-) I have more.

    Silly mortal. Crystal genies wish they were this good.

    Or just...

    Crystal genies wish they were this good.

  9. I think I should clarify my post above. For those you young un's and non rap saying is based on Snoop Dogg's song Gin and Juice, from 1994

    "Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
    Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)"

    Link to video: crude language warning!!!

    hopefully this will further explain a little bit about Zen being laid back (hehe) and Zen and Juice instead of gin and juice.

  10. I realize Zen is hard, but I'm not loving anything submitted yet. I like some of them, but they just don't capture the man to me. I do love the genie reference, but I'm not sure I really want something "fun" associated with the very serious Zen.

    *sigh* Keep suggesting folks. Sorry I'm being so difficult, but if you'll recall, I was difficult with Nix's slogan, too.

  11. Zen...immortals do it best.

    I may submit more as/if the brain allows. Lol.

  12. So...right now, I'm leaning more toward Shelley's slogan. It's simple and fits Zen.

    PLEASE keep posting new slogans though. You never know when I'll like something else better!


  13. Ok..last brain hurts...:\

    "Zen-more attitude than just a belief."

    "Zen...contemplating life one mortal at a time."

  14. Me too, me too

    "Zen- Kill (the) Demons, Keep (the) balance!" (sucks, I know)

    For the record, I like Shelley's!

  15. Zen- kicking ass and taking names since...forever.

    Zen, about as cuddly as a porcupine.

    Zen- He may be called a crystal genie, but he does NOT sparkle.

    Meditation, Zen does it. (A pun on the definition of Zen)

    Call him 'Zenny' and you may not live very much longer.

    Zen- Warning! Frigid temperatures ahead.

  16. LMAO Y'all are cracking me up with some of these!!! Keep 'em coming!


  17. Lol, Kristina! I really like a couple of those. Here's another "simple" one...

    Zen...the Keeper of Balance

  18. Let's try this...

    Zen...eternal keeper of balance.

  19. Shel ~ I thought aboutthose two, too :))) But it was too simple, but i liked them :D

  20. And the winner is....

    I preferred Shelley's two the best because they were simple, serious and seemed to fit Zen's personality the best. Here are the one's I picked...

    Zen...immortals do it best!
    Zen...the keeper of balance.

    Thanks to ALL of you for playing along and suggesting slogans. I know Zen was a hard one. Maybe he'll be easier after you read GQ, so maybe I'll hold another one then.

