
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Immortal Kiss...Gracen's Poem

Immortal Kiss

Through your mortality I live.
Stealing carnal nourishment.
Feasting upon the soul you give.
Alive! Beyond earthly bounds.

With life, you pulse.
You tease with warm, soft skin.
My need results.
You are forever mine.

I swell with you alluring scent.
Mind exploding -- chest heaving.
Your offering is my intent.
Senses reeling, I take you.

With love, I give my immortal kiss.
My bloody embrace
Transcends you with waves of tainted bliss.
My arms caress death.

Your life explodes around me.
On memories and emotions I feast.
Revealed for my eyes to see.
To know you and love you intimately.

His blood mixed with mine.
In death, I awoke
Trapped for all of time
In immortality.

© Gracen Miller 2010-2012 ~ No part of this site (written or artwork) may be reproduced in anyway whatsoever without express written consent by Gracen Miller.

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