
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday the 13th Voodoo Doll Giveaway

Being raised in the South superstitions is ingrained in daily life. We participate in them without thinking a lot of times. Here are some of my favorites and many I’ve participated in even though I am not superstitious:

Ф ~  7 years bad luck for breaking a mirror ~ Ф

₤ ~  Unlucky for the groom to see the bride before the wedding ~ ₤

Ӄ ~ Bad luck for a black cat to cross your path ~ Ӄ

Ѯ ~ Find a penny, pick it up and all day long, you’ll have good luck—My husband says you can only pick it up if it’s on heads. If it’s on tails, then it’s bad luck. I pick up all pennies! To me that’s the universe’s way of saying ‘howdy, Gracen, I see you’—nothing freaky about that, huh? *grins* ~ Ѯ

∂ ~ Bad luck comes in threes (Boy, oh, boy how many times have I said this!) ~ ∂

Ѱ ~ Make a wish on a wish bone (guilty of doing this every holiday growing up!) ~ Ѱ

Ђ ~ Cross your fingers for luck! Ha! I still do this! ~ Ђ

I could go on and on with superstitions, but I’ll stop there.
My favorite number is 13. And I celebrate Friday the 13th rather than fret over it. I had an employer once that was so superstitious about Friday the 13th, he wouldn’t leave home that day for fear of the bad stuff that would tackle him that day. A bit extreme? I think so, but according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina, about 17 million people fear Friday the 13th. Yowzers! My employer is so not alone.

Instead of worrying about some eerie superstitious malady that may befall us this Friday the 13th, let’s have a giveaway! I’m giving away these 2 Voodoo Dolls that I picked up in New Orleans. There will be 2 winners and the Rafflecopter entries are EASY! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. OMG!! This is perfect!! I've never been superstitious about Friday the 13th...however, when I bake cookies or cupcakes they're in baker's dozens. I also knock on wood ALOT and I love opals but refuse to buy one or wear one. My great grandmother said they're bad luck if you weren't born in October (its October's birthstone). So many silly superstitions I have ....the list is a mile long :) Gracen, this has to be one of the best contests ever! I love superstitous talk!
    Stacey Jo

  2. I'm not really so superstitious about Friday the 13th...even though you won't find me at Crystal Lake, smoking pot, and having sex in high heels! Lol. Not planning on meeting Jason Vorhess anytime soon! But I will jinx you if we say the same thing at the same time, and you will owe me a Coke. And I do throw salt over my shoulder everytime I spill it...which is alot because I'm a server and I'm clumsy. Lol

  3. I have noticed that things come in three's, knock on wood, and carry a buckeye for good luck, save the 4 leaf clovers I the blog by the way!!

  4. I have the same superstitions you have Gracen. I love Friday the 13th, growing up I would always love to stay up late at night and watch all the scary movies that came on in celebration for that day. Hopefully when my little guy grows up a bit more I can do the same thing with him.

  5. I have always been a little leery of Friday the 13th, I mean why press your luck right???

  6. I have never been worried about Friday the 13th. If anything, when I hear Friday the 13th, just makes me think of horror movies!! :) My kids and I are big horror movie fans and have lots of scary movie nights!! Will likely have one tonight just because it is Friday the 13th!

    I do have the same superstitions you listed and do a lot of knocking on wood although at the same time I am knocking on wood my mind is saying, "this is so silly!"

  7. I always loved Friday the 13th. We watch all the movies and then watch the goofy one on Saturday the 14th. It's tradition.

    As far as superstitions mine is breaking the mirror. I used to always hate crossing a black cats path, but we canceled that one out by having two black cats.

  8. I'm not very superstitious. The only one I do is the knocking on wood bit, but I think that's more out of habit.

  9. I throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it, don't walk under ladders, don't let ppl sweep under my feet, the whole shebang!!!!

  10. There are alot of superstitions that I dont believe in like walking under a ladder (my husband works in construction and I've done it plenty of times)and breaking mirrors. My dad owns a shop that cuts mirror for people and when I was younger smashing the scraps was great stress relief lol.
    However I dont know if bad things necessarily happen on friday the 13th but I do know that weird things do. Its always a weird day for me.

  11. A calendar year may have 1 to 3 “thirteenths” occurring on a Friday, and those years with the maximum number are considered to be particularly calamitous. So guess how many Friday 13ths there are in 2012? Maybe that's what the Mayans were trying to tell us, LOL

  12. A little superstitious because of all the stories you hear.

  13. Friday the thirteenth? Not so much. But I do have a healthy respect for Voodoo. There's a lot to be said about magic...

  14. 13 is my lucky number so I love Friday the 13. I'm not very superstitious but I owe like 100 cokes to my kids for "jinx" and I do though salt over my left shoulder when I spill it and I do knock on wood and I totally believe in karma and it coming back 3 fold that's why I always try to be a good person even if they're not so nice to me.

  15. My dad hates Friday the 13th. His birthday is January 13th so every so often, it falls on a Friday.

    I am not superstitious about Friday the 13th, but I love to comment about it! LOL

    I too pick up pennies for luck. I've broken wishbones. Sometimes I throw salt over my shoulder if I've spilled it. I knock on wood!

    Carpe Noctem,

    Author Desirée Lee
    Putting the Romance back in Necromancy

  16. Nope not really, I mean if I run a Yellow light or something I tap the roof of the car!!;)) hehe Happy Friday the 13th love;) Thanks for the giveaway!!;)))


  17. I'm not really superstitious. I do knock on wood sometimes.. when I remember lol

  18. I'm like you lol... i do the same... I knock on wood when I don't want to jinx myself!

  19. I love Friday the 13th! I think that it is lucky rather than a day of superstition. But I do knock on wood to prevent jinxing myself and I don't like to walk under ladders or break mirrors.

  20. I have never really been a superstitious type of person.

  21. Step on a crack and you'll break your mother's back! I remember dodging cracks everywhere I went when I was a kid! LOL

    Love the dolls!

  22. Never been very least not seriously...joke about a lot of stuff though. But the whole thing about things happening in 3's...definitely believe that about deaths in a nursing home. I work in one and they always go in 3's...CREEEEEPPY! :\

  23. I am not superstitious about Friday the 13th...
    LOL...I also participate in the knock on wood when I don't want to jinx myself...
    And I don't walk under ladders...HA!!

  24. My mom is pretty superstitious and of course they have traveled down to me. My biggest one is that you are not supposed to tell anyone your sleeping dreams until after breakfast or they might come true. OK for all ya all that have the good book dreams...this will NOT APPLY to you! Me, I have bad dreams that suck in the biggest way possible so this has always terrified me. I NEVER hardly ever talk about my dreams no matter what. When you have had more than one actually come is scary crap!

    I think Friday the 13th is cool as hell. I am like Gracen. The #13 has always been my favorite number and HELLLO...IT IS FRIDAY. You can't be hating on Friday no matter what!

    But without Friday the 13th, I would not have had the bejeebus scared out of me as a kid (YES I was a small child, about 6 when Friday the 13th came out) and I saw it at the drive in theater!! Now I am immune to scary stuff b/c I was exposed to it too much as a kid. Real life TERRIFIES me! That is why I can I babble or what?

    LOVE YA Mamma hound!

  25. and no I am superstitious about Friday the 13th...but every day of the year :)

  26. I can't believe I missed this! Totally forgot to try again! Congrats gals! Omg there are some funny comments!
