
Friday, February 17, 2012

Going to Hell Release Day Contest!!

Today my second book in my Road to Hell series releases! I have some swag, mouse pads and various pins, all pictured below up for a couple of lucky winners? 
In order to be eligible to win, you MUST change your FB profile picture to one of my two Road to Hell series book covers (both pictured below) and leave me a comment telling me which male lead you favor being with Madison and WHY! If these rules are not followed then you will NOT be entered in the contest!
Winners will be drawn on Wednesday, February 29th at noon CST 

Ongoing Facebook contest HERE.

Pandora’s Box Blurb (book 1):

Where does the road to Hell begin?

What happens when your son turns homicidal overnight and your husband disappears on his way to work? Do you cower in fear or fight for your life? Madison Wescott fights against the odds. Distrustful of a God she doesn't believe in, she finds herself face-to-face with a world she didn't know existed and discovers her own soul is darkened with demonic connections.

With good intentions? Or by demonic design?

Phoenix Birmingham bursts into Madison’s life in a whirlwind of sarcasm and sexual appeal. A hero for the masses—and for her jaded heart—but few will ever know the sacrifices he has made or the sacrifices to come. Discovering her entire life has been influenced by multifaceted paranormal beings, Madison is determined to defeat the apocalyptic blueprint fate has decreed, but only one man dares to challenge the supernatural forces manipulating them. Even with Phoenix's aid, can destiny be denied? Or will demonic design prevail while they pay the crucial price with their souls?

In a small, sleepy Alabama town the battle for mankind's liberty has begun...

RELEASED TODAY (2/17/12)!!!

Hell’s Phoenix Blurb (book 2):

Hell’s become more than just a playground for the wicked…

Going to Hell was supposed to save Madison, but knowing she’s dead because of his failure leaves Nix with only one thing to live for. Revenge. With Micah’s help he learns to use his Messianic power. Anything for Mads has become his mantra, even if it means killing innocents to gather the power he needs to succeed. A tsunami he unleashes on a Gulf Coast city is stopped with magical interference, and Nix is more than surprised to feel Madison in the opposing magic. Can he and Micah set a trap to lure her out?

Pandora’s Box…once you open it, there’s no turning back!

Madison has done the unthinkable, opened Pandora’s Box to save Nix from Hell. And failed. She’s willing to risk her own life to rescue Nix, but she worries about the welfare of her accomplice in the mission and leaving her son behind. Following up on a lead, she’s ambushed by Nix and Micah. Shocked and hurt to discover Nix has become a willing participant of Hell, she’s more certain than ever she won’t escape the demonic fate her husband outlined for her. While in Hell, she discovers denying the emergence of her succubus is futile, which means getting Nix out of Hell after embracing her inner demon just became a very real dilemma…

(must be read in order)

PANDORA’S BOX is available now at the following sites in ebook and print formats:

HELL’S PHOENIX released TODAY at Decadent Publishing and Amazon: 

Barnes & NobleComing Soon

(I will choose what each individual winner receives)

Hell's Phoenix Poster (signed)

 Road to Hell Series Rack Card (signed)

Pandora's Box Bookmark (signed)

Hell's Phoenix Bookmark (signed)

Magnets (business card & postcard sizes) 

Various Road to Hell series Pins

 Nix Mouse pad

Micah Mouse pad


  1. I loved Pandora's Box. I'll be setting aside some time this weekend to read Hell's Phoenix.

    Carpe Noctem,

    Author Desirée Lee
    Putting the Romance back in Necromancy
    des @

  2. Thanks, Desiree! I look forward to hearing what you think about Hell's Phoenix. But, unfortunately, before I can enter you in the contest, you gotta tell me who you think would be better with Madison AND alter your FB profile photo to one of the Road to Hell series cover arts.

    Sorry to be a stickler, I love you and you KNOW I love ya, Desiree, but it's not fair unless I expect everyone to follow the rules of the contest.


  3. Great giveaway; I can't wait to read these books. Shannon S.

  4. Shannon S., thanks for the comment, but I need to know your facebook profile so I can verify you've changed your profile picture.



  5. OOOH who do I think Mads should be with? OMG that is too hard to answer!! I think Micah but I dont want Amos bad so I am torn...Nix would be GOOD for her and then Micah can hook up with a character named Sassy *winks*

    I am so in love with this series!!!

    My facebook profile IS all 3 books :) and has been for a while *BIG GRINS* hell hound all the way!!! (i might have to snag that hellhound pic up above though...)

    Thank you!

  6. Mine is oh Hell's Phoenix! :)

    I Love both men, but at this point in time I would say that Nix and Mads should end up together. They have such amazing chemistry and I think Nix is a better father figure then his actual dad. I want Amos to be good, dammit. But I do still love Micah. (don't kill me, Micah!) If Micah were to drop the title of King and come over to the good side, I might choose him instead. But there's probably no chance in hell, pun intended, for him to do that. However, my feelings of Micah are slowly altering. Maybe I'll change my mind?

  7. I LOVE THIS SERIES !!! I like all the men, but I want Mads with Nix, he's sexy, mysterious and has a bit of a sensitive side to him, especially when it comes to Madison. So happy for you and for the Release !! I of course changed my pic to the New Release !!

  8. Shalisha Cooper FB messaged me her comment because she couldn't get blogger to work. Here is her comment:

    "I think madison should be with the person who she can't see herself without."

    I have Shalisha contact information and she changed her profile picture to Hell's Phoenix weeks ago.

    Best of luck to everyone that has entered!


  9. HI!!!
    Well, I changed my profile pic to Hell's Phoenix b/c I wanted to promote the release of such an awesome book...and it is the 2nd in the, I felt everyone needed to see it...

    As for who I think Mads needs to be with...I am going to go out there with this one and say Nixah...yep, I think she should have both guys...Nix and Micah!! The chemistry that these three have together is explosive and I want to see more of it!!

  10. well as you know i have changed my pick and have read them all (in order)<3, Terri

  11. OK...this is Coarralejo Hellhound here...letting you know that my profile pic has officially been changed ( Kelly Silva Fine ). And I cannot yet say who Madison should go with, because I haven't read the books yet...but now I can since I won copies yesterday! ;)

  12. Hi I changed my facebook page yesterday, (Julie Newberry) I have only read Madison's life lessons so far, so not sure who would be better for her, So I can only say Micah, I love the way he is so protective of her, always there for her, but then I think Amos would be good for her too, nothing like a bit of spice to liven up your relationship and he certainly has that, doesn't he? I will have to let you know after I have read Pandora's box and Hell's Phoenix,
    Thankyou for a great giveaway and congratulations on your release day x x

  13. Doh, not Amos, I meant Elias, Don't know where I got Amos from, Just reading Pandora's Box now, loving it so far, x x

  14. Ugh! I completely forgot to enter and changed my pic to a signed book I just received. I will promptly change it back for you!
    As much as I love Micah (I will beg him as Kristina did, not to kill me for this), but Nix is probably who is better for Madison. He loves her unconditionally, whole heartedly and regardless of what he's been through (for her sake, mind you), he has a kind heart and soul, at least where she, Amos, his family and friends...and perhaps the fate of the world are concerned. And yes, he's wonderful for Amos.
    Kathryn's idea is grand, but neither man would be satisfied sharing her and she would grow weary having to divide her heart.

  15. Haha...Kathryn (Tsk, Tsk) keeping them both would be fun!

    Hope you enjoy them, Kelly!

    Julie...I'm chuckling over the Elias suggestion. He definitely isn't an option, but until you read Pandora's Box, you can't make an informed decision either. Madison HATES Elias and I doubt that will ever change. I look forward to hearing what you think of Pandora's Box.

    Bella...Nix, huh? So y'all don't think Micah could be good for Amos or Madison. Interesting.

    Laura_darkelvengirl, yes, Hell's Phoenix has already released. Hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing what you think.

    Good luck in the contest everyone!


  16. Hey Ms. Miller. When I get done, I'm going to figure out how to download the pic and change it on my profile. But to answer your question, I don't think she should have to pick. I think she should have the best of both worlds. How many of us have wanted the good guy/bad guy? She has the best of both worlds. I say they should share!!

  17. I would think she should pick Nix, he is a better father figure, and he loves her so much. But I think it is whatever her heart chooses. And can she live without one or the other?

  18. Ha! Surprised you, huh? I, like Mindy, have alterior motives...

  19. Well, now I have finished Hell's Phoenix, I am conflicted on who Madison should end up with, The Devil in me wants Micah for the fact that he is who he is and nothing is going to change him, but the Miss goody too shoes wants Nix because he loves her beyond all reason, but I kind of like Zenny for the spiritual support & Kur for the lapdog that every woman should have, not forgetting all of the hotness they all give off, Can't she have all of them? Different ones for the different moods she is in, I like that option best, lol, It would be a really difficult choice for me, just saying, lol, x x
    Decided to change my picture from Pandora's box to Hell's Phoenix, in honour of finishing it x x

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nix would be best for her I think He likes her for who she is not what she can do or what she is.

  22. I'm doing to go with Nix.I just love him.!/profile.php?id=100003476453318&sk=wall

  23. Phoenix Birmingham is my favorite cause I can't help but love the bad boys!
    GFC: Dawn Hagan

  24. I wrote everyone's name on paper and drew two from the pot and the two winners are...

    Mindy fangedmom

    Congrats, ladies! I'll contact you both about your winning prizes.

    Thanks to the rest of you for coming out and participating.

