
Friday, January 27, 2012

Ask the Road to Hell Gang...

Do you have a question you'd love to ask one of the cast of characters in the Road to Hell series? Now is your chance to ask them anything!

All of the gang will be there--


NIX                   MICAH                         ZEN



Even the Birminghams (Zoe, Gage, James and Georgie) are invited to join.

So ask, ask, ASK! Just leave a comment below. Make sure you tell me who the question(s) is directed to (even if you're asking all of them, say that so I'll know) and then submit your question. On an upcoming guest interview, I will post your name beside the question and the response from whichever character.

No limit on the number of questions...unless it begins to grow too lengthy. ;-)

Ready, set...ask away!

NOTE: All questions should be submitted by noon CST on Tuesday, January 31st!


All photos were snagged from google images or shutterstock for use as visual aids...except for the photo of the child, which is a personal photo. 
I do not claim ownership or copyright of any of these photos.

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