
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sweet Saturday Sample

The sample today comes from my paranormal romance, e-book, Pandora’s Box, Book one in the Road to Hell series, which releases August 19, 2011 from Decadent Publishing. To learn more about Pandora’s Box, go to my website. I invite you to read the Life Lessons, which is a free prequel to the series. They’re listed in numerical order at the top of my blog. Hope you enjoy today’s sample!


Instead of “Hello,” she received a gruff, “Nix,” when he answered his cell.
“Hey, sexy,” Madison said, forcing cheerfulness into her tone. She leaned her elbows on the rail of the balcony, phone tucked beneath her chin.
“Mads?” She thought he sat up.
“Yeah.” At times like this, she wished she smoked. Any nasty addiction to turn to for comfort would suffice.
“What’s wrong?” He definitely sat up this time, the rustling of covers and the squeaking of bedsprings loud through their connection.
“Nothing.” Everything!
“Mads….” He whispered furiously, the sound of a door opening and clicking closed coming through on his end, loud and clear. “You didn’t call me at two a.m. to tell me nothing was wrong.”
Madison expelled a long, shaky breath. “I think we made a mistake tonight.”
Concern tensed his voice, “What’d you do?”
“Oh, nothing much. Just released a genie from its crystal prison.” And used Pandora’s Box to bust him out. Oh, and let’s not forget how dirty she felt now with the magic still thrumming through her, hard, rendering sleep impossible.
He whistled low. “Sounds diabolical.”
She laughed. Nix could lighten any situation. “He had to be trapped for a good reason, right?”
“Depends.” On what? “Where are you, Mads?”
“Mexico.” She scanned the Mexican city, poverty stark in every direction. “You?”
“South Beach, Miami.” The sound of his husky voice said enough; she didn’t have to see his expression. “The news said a level six earthquake struck Chihuahua, Mexico today.”
Yeah, that earthquake was little ole’ me channeling the awesome power of Pandora’s Box. “South Beach, huh?”
“Yeah, beautiful beaches.”
Skirt-chasing Nix would be in his element there. Jealousy made more vibrant by Pandora’s magic hit her hard. She hoped her phone call interrupted something naughty before it happened. “I guess there aren’t any hot babes there.”
“None as smoking hot as you.”
“Flirt.” The corners of her mouth turned up at his compliment anyway.
“Guilty.” From his end came the honking of horns and the revving of engines. “Tell me exactly where in Mexico you are, and I’ll be on the next flight.”
“You need me, or you wouldn’t have called.” His voice turned a shade darker. Agitation, maybe—hard to tell without seeing his expression.
“I don’t need you here.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. She shouldn’t have called Nix. No need for him to worry along with her.
“What do you need?”
Loaded question.
“I don’t know.” She tapped her fingernails on the rail. “Someone to tell me we made the right decision.”

© Gracen Miller 2011 ~ No part of this site (written or artwork) may be reproduced in anyway whatsoever without express written consent by Gracen Miller. 


  1. Interesting excerpt. Nix seems quite a complex character and yet...
    Ansd 'she created an earthquake? Intriguing.

  2. Everybody needs justification when they do something they think is wrong. And who is "we"? Very intriguing, compelling reading. Nice job, Gracen.

  3. Love her 'oh, nothing much' comment, it says much about her character and she is very likeable. Great sample.

  4. Great scene. Leaves me with a lot of questions. Thanks for posting!

    Patty K.

  5. Love the name, Nix! They sound like a sexy couple--I bet sparks fly when they get together. But it sounds like she may be in a spot of trouble! Great sample!

  6. I like it. Nicely written and with an understated humor.

  7. I love it! And as always, I want more.
    So is it the 19th yet? ;)

  8. Wow! I'd forgotten about this until just a few minutes ago, so a HUGE thanks to all of you for coming out to read it!

    Tich, I wish it was the 19th already! lol Feels like it should be. ;-)


  9. Really good dialogue, packed with information. She caused an earthquake? Sounds to me like Mads needs Nix more than she'll admit!

  10. Great excerpt! Looking forward to the rest! :)

  11. *dies a little inside* I KNEW IT! I knew Nix was a skirt chaser but alas...I don't care!! He can give me a ride ANY DAY!!!!!!!!

    This is cool as hell? Why do you ask? Because in life lessons, Madison is just starting to get her "SASSY" on *giggles to self* now?? SHE FREAKING ROCKS! Love that she caused an earthquake!! Is it possible to have a girl crush on Madison now too? I want to be BFF's with Madison! Opening Pandora's Box! I am SO PSYCHED for this book to come out I could scream!!! This was a PERFECT teaser Gracen!!! CANT WAIT FOR THE 19th!!!!!!

    Thank you!!
